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Category aera of use time(1965-heute)

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4 entries found

Storm class          BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Storm class Missile Boat , build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: Norway ..., origin country: Norway , Material: Resin , kit manufacturer: PTDockyard , topics: Small combattants , aera of use: time(1965-heute) , DBTyp: Model
Storm class
Type 69-II (WZ121) w/ turret armour BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: Type 69 Tank , build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: Bangladesh China Iran Pakistan Myanmar Sudan Thailand Zimbabwe Iraq Sri Lanka , origin country: China , Material: Resin , kit manufacturer: Armada , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Tank , aera of use: time(1965-heute) , DBTyp: Model
Type 69-II (WZ121) w/ turret armour
FV433 Abbot 105mm    BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: FV432 , build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: GB India , origin country: GB , topics: Armoured Vehicle Artillery , aera of use: time(1965-heute) , DBTyp: Type Definition
Scorpion FV101 (Neuseeland)
Henschel HWK-11 (Torreta CALF 38 Mg 7.62 mm) BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: Mexico , origin country: Germany Mexico , Material: 3D-Print , kit manufacturer: Innovación Tecnológica , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Armoured Vehicle , aera of use: time(1965-heute) , DBTyp: Model

4 entries shown

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