13 entries found
Bergepanzer IIIJ BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: Panzer III , built: 25.2.2017 , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , kit manufacturer: MW , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Tank Engineering Vehicle , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
VW Typ 93 Sani BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: VW Käfer , built: 17.10.2012 , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , kit manufacturer: MW , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Passenger Car , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Type 63/65 SPAAG BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: T-34 61-K 3,7cm , built: 2.10.2024 , operator country: South Vietnam North Vietnam Vietnam , origin country: China North Vietnam , kit manufacturer: MW , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Tank anti-aircraft , aera of use: afterwar , DBTyp: Model
VW Typ 87 Käfer BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: VW Käfer , build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , kit manufacturer: MW , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Passenger Car , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
TACAM T-60 BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: Romania , origin country: Romania , kit manufacturer: MW , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Tank , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
T-34 Repair Retriever / Tractor BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: SU Germany Palestine , origin country: SU , kit manufacturer: MW , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Tank Engineering Vehicle , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
T-34/D-30 Syrian SPG BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: T-34 D-30 122mm , build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: Syria , origin country: Syria , kit manufacturer: MW , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Tank Artillery , aera of use: afterwar , DBTyp: Model
T-34-122 Egypt SPG BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: T-34 D-30 122mm , build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: Egypt ..., origin country: Egypt , kit manufacturer: MW , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Tank Artillery , aera of use: afterwar , DBTyp: Model
T-34-100 Egypt SPG BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: Egypt ..., origin country: Egypt , kit manufacturer: MW , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Tank Artillery , aera of use: afterwar , DBTyp: Model
T-34(r) mit 2cm Flak 38 Vierling BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: T-34 Flak-Vierling 2cm , build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: Germany , origin country: SU , kit manufacturer: MW , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Tank anti-aircraft , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
SG-122 BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: Panzer III , build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: SU , origin country: SU , kit manufacturer: MW , topics: Tank , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
GAZ-51 Tanker BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: GAZ-51 ..., build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: China Hungary Poland Romania Albania Syria Ukraine SU North Korea , origin country: SU Poland North Korea China , kit manufacturer: MW , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Tank truck 4-wheel ..., aera of use: time(1937-1945,1946-heute) , DBTyp: Model
VW Typ 230/3 BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: VW Käfer , build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , kit manufacturer: MW , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Passenger Car , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
13 entries shown |