624 entries found
SMS Nautilus BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Nautilus class , built: 13.12.2015 , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Navis , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Cruiser Minelayer , aera of use: time(1908-1921) , DBTyp: Model
SMS Roon 1905 BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Roon class , built: 5.12.2015 , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Navis , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Cruiser Flight Operation Support Ship , aera of use: time(1906-1920) , DBTyp: Model
Isla de Cuba 1887 BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Isla de Luzon class , built: 26.11.2016 , operator country: Spain United States of America Venezuela ..., origin country: Spain , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Hai , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Cruiser , aera of use: time(1886-1940) , DBTyp: Model
Infanta Isabel (Velasco Spanish variant) BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Velasco class , built: 11.8.2020 , operator country: Spain United States of America , origin country: GB Spain , Material: 3D-Print , kit manufacturer: Brown Water Navy Miniatures Shapeways , Scale: 1/700 , topics: Cruiser , aera of use: Pre1914 ..., DBTyp: Model
SMS Scharnhorst BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: SMS Scharnhorst Class , built: 22.1.2016 , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , Material: Fertigmodell , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Cruiser , aera of use: Pre1914 WWI , DBTyp: Model
Ibuki 1909 BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Ibuki 1909 class , built: 9.4.2016 , operator country: Japan , origin country: Japan , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Navis , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Cruiser , aera of use: Pre1914 WWI Interwar , DBTyp: Model
SMS Seeadler BaseVehicle: Ship , built: 27.11.2015 , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Mercator , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Cruiser Sailing Ship , aera of use: WWI , DBTyp: Model
HMS Vindictive 1938 BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Hawkins class , built: 1.6.2016 , operator country: GB , origin country: GB , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Argonaut , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Cruiser Aircraft carrier Flight Operation Support Ship , aera of use: Interwar WW2 , DBTyp: Model
SMS Stuttgart 1918 BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Stuttgart class , built: 14.4.2016 , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Navis , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Cruiser {{eval IS(aera of use,1918)}} Flight Operation Support Ship , aera of use: time(1907-1919) , DBTyp: Model
HMS Vindictive 1918 BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Arrogant class , built: 4.8.2016 , operator country: GB , origin country: GB , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Hai , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Cruiser , aera of use: time(1897-1918) , DBTyp: Model
HMS Tiger 1959 BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Minotaur Class , built: 17.1.2016 , operator country: GB ..., origin country: GB , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Hansa , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Cruiser , aera of use: WW2 afterwar , DBTyp: Model
HMS Tiger 1916 BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Tiger class , built: 17.1.2016 , operator country: GB , origin country: GB , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Navis , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Battleship Cruiser , aera of use: WWI , DBTyp: Model
SMS Tiger kuk BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Tiger class kuk , built: 2.1.2016 , operator country: Austria-Hungary , origin country: Austria-Hungary , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Hai , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Cruiser , aera of use: Pre1914 WWI , DBTyp: Model
Iwate 1902 BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Izumo class cruiser , built: 27.6.2022 , operator country: Japan , origin country: Japan , kit manufacturer: Seals Models , Scale: 1/700 , topics: Cruiser , aera of use: time(1901-1945) , DBTyp: Model
SMS Niobe (1900/1918) BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Gazelle class , built: 3.12.2015 , operator country: Germany Yugoslavia Italy Croatia , origin country: Germany , Material: Resin , kit manufacturer: HP Models , Scale: 1/700 , topics: Cruiser , aera of use: time(1900-1943) , DBTyp: Model
SMS Nixe 1890 BaseVehicle: Ship , built: 10.12.2016 , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Yorck , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Cruiser Sailing Ship , aera of use: time(1886-1911) , DBTyp: Model
SMS Nürnberg 1908 BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Stuttgart class , built: 10.4.2016 , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Navis , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Cruiser , aera of use: Pre1914 WWI , DBTyp: Model
SMS Panther kuk BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Panther class kuk , built: 31.5.2018 , operator country: Austria-Hungary , origin country: Austria-Hungary , Material: 3D-Print , kit manufacturer: Fpmodel Shapeways , Scale: 1/700 , topics: Cruiser , aera of use: Pre1914 WWI , DBTyp: Model
SMS Panther kuk BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Panther class kuk , built: 13.3.2016 , operator country: Austria-Hungary , origin country: Austria-Hungary , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Sextant , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Cruiser , aera of use: Pre1914 WWI , DBTyp: Model
Kaiser Wilhelm der Große 1914 BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Schnelldampfer Kaiser class , built: 6.2.2016 , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Mercator , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Ship Cruiser , aera of use: Pre1914 WWI , DBTyp: Model
SMS Prinz Adalbert ex Sedan 1877 BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Leipzig 1875 class , built: 13.12.2015 , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Yorck , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Cruiser Sailing Ship , aera of use: time(1877-1890) ..., DBTyp: Model
Jules Ferry 1903 BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Leon Gambetta class , built: 23.3.2016 , operator country: France , origin country: France , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Navis , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Cruiser , aera of use: Pre1914 WWI Interwar , DBTyp: Model
SMS Prinz Adalbert 1904 BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Prinz Adalbert class , built: 25.12.2015 , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Navis , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Cruiser ..., aera of use: Pre1914 WWI , DBTyp: Model
Jeanne d'Arc 1938 BaseVehicle: Ship , built: 30.3.2016 , operator country: France , origin country: France , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Neptun , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Cruiser , aera of use: Interwar WW2 afterwar , DBTyp: Model
SMS Prinz Eitel Friedrich 1914 BaseVehicle: Ship , built: 4.9.2016 , operator country: Germany United States of America , origin country: Germany , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Rhenania , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Ship {{eval IS(operator country,Germany)}} Cruiser , aera of use: WWI , DBTyp: Model
Jacob van Heemskerck 1940 BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Tromp cruiser class , built: 9.12.2015 , operator country: Netherlands Germany , origin country: Netherlands , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Trident , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Cruiser , aera of use: time(1940-1970) , DBTyp: Model
SMS Prinzess Wilhelm (vor 1900) BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Irene class , built: 17.7.2016 , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Spider Navy , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Cruiser , aera of use: Pre1914 , DBTyp: Model
SMS Vineta 1912 BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Victoria Luise class , built: 5.12.2015 , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Navis , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Cruiser , aera of use: time(1899-1918) , DBTyp: Model
HMS Superb cruiser BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Minotaur Class , built: 9.12.2015 , operator country: GB ..., origin country: GB , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Tri-ang , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Cruiser , aera of use: WW2 afterwar , DBTyp: Model
HMS Springbank 1941 BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Alynbank group , built: 30.6.2016 , operator country: GB , origin country: GB , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: WDS , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Flight Operation Support Ship Cruiser , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
HMS Good Hope BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Drake class , built: 22.12.2015 , operator country: GB , origin country: GB , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Navis , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Cruiser , aera of use: Pre1914 WWI , DBTyp: Model
HMS Glorious 1917 as light Battlecruiser BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Courageous class , built: 17.1.2016 , operator country: GB , origin country: GB , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Navis , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Battleship Cruiser Aircraft carrier , aera of use: WWI Interwar WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Takao 1889 BaseVehicle: Ship , built: 12.8.2016 , operator country: Japan , origin country: Japan , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Hai , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Cruiser , aera of use: time(1889-1912 ) , DBTyp: Model
HMS Furious 1917 BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Courageous class , built: 1.5.2016 , operator country: GB , origin country: GB , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Navis , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Battleship Cruiser Aircraft carrier , aera of use: WWI Interwar WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Taksin 1938 BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Naresuan class , built: 19.6.2016 , operator country: Thailand Italy Germany , origin country: Italy , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Anker 16 , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Cruiser , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
HMS Emerald BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Emerald class , built: 7.12.2015 , operator country: GB , origin country: GB , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Argonaut , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Cruiser , aera of use: time(1926-1948) , DBTyp: Model
Teruel ex Alessandro Poerio BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Alessandro Poerio class , built: 19.3.2016 , operator country: Italy Spain , origin country: Italy , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Argonaut , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Cruiser Destroyer , aera of use: WWI Interwar WW2 afterwar , DBTyp: Model
HMS Defence BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Minotaur Armoured Cruiser class , built: 4.3.2016 , operator country: GB , origin country: GB , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Navis , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Cruiser , aera of use: Pre1914 WWI , DBTyp: Model
Thor HSK 4 BaseVehicle: Ship , built: 05.07.2016 , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , Material: Fertigmodell , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Cruiser , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
50 entries shown of 624 |