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P-40 1S12 (Long Track)

P-40 1S12 (Long Track), SA-4 Ganef / 2K11 auf 2P24 Krug
P-40 1S12 (Long Track), SA-4 Ganef / 2K11 auf 2P24 Krug

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Base typeP-40 Radar AT-T SA-4 SA-6 SA-8 Parent category: T-54
Origin countrySU Parent category: Asia, Europe
Operator countryGermany Czech Republic Yugoslavia SU Slovakia Armenia Azerbaijan Bulgaria Kyrgyzstan North Korea Turkmenistan Ukraine Serbia Iraq (Czech Republic:)
Parent category: Europe, Asia, Kirgistan, Korea, , , , , , , ,
TopicsArmoured Vehicle Radar (Ground Equipment:) Vehicles
Parent category: Ground vehicle, Ground Equipment, anti-aircraft
Aera of usetime(1963-heute)
BaseVehicleGround Equipment
> Same base or sthg. the like on AT-T ( Show/hide: [+])
Model BAT-M Schwere Planierraupe
BAT-M Schwere Planierraupe class=AT-T T-54
Model MDK-2 Rapid Digging Vehicle
MDK-2 Rapid Digging Vehicle class=AT-T T-54
Type Definition BTM-3 Rapid Ditch Digger
MDK-2 Rapid Digging Vehicle class=AT-T T-54
> Same base or sthg. the like on SA-4 ( Show/hide: [+])
Model SA-4 Ganef / 2K11 auf 2P24 Krug
SA-4 Ganef / 2K11 auf 2P24 Krug class=SA-4 GM-123
Model SA-4 Ganef / 1S32 SNR Krug Pat Hand
SA-4 Ganef / 1S32 SNR Krug Pat Hand class=SA-4 GM-124
Type Definition SA-4
> Same base or sthg. the like on SA-6 ( Show/hide: [+])
Model SA-6 Gainful 2K12 Kub
SA-6 Gainful 2K12 Kub, GM-578 (Kub) class=2K12 Kub SA-6 GM-578 For the class: GM-539 GM-568
Model SA-6 Gainful 1S91 Kub Leitstation
MT-Lbu 1L219 Zoopark-1, P-40 1S12 (Long Track), SA-6 Gainful 1S91 Kub Leitstation, SA-10 S-300PMU RADAR/Feuerleitstand 30N6E2 class=2K12 Kub SA-6 1S91 GM-568
Type Definition SA-6
Type Definition P-15 Radar auf Zil-157
P-19 Radar auf ZIL-131 class=P-15 Radar Zil-157 SA-3 SA-6 SA-8
> Same base or sthg. the like on SA-8 ( Show/hide: [+])
Model SA-8 Gecko OSA-AKM
SA-8 Gecko OSA-AKM class=SA-8 BAZ-5937/5939
Type Definition SA-8
Referenced in AK Modern Conflicts Profile Index
Comparable entries in this category

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P-40 1S12 (Long Track)

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P-40 1S12 (Long Track)

P-40 1S12 (Long Track)
P-40 1S12 (Long Track)

P-40 1S12 (Long Track)
P-40 1S12 (Long Track)

MT-Lbu 1L219 Zoopark-1, P-40 1S12 (Long Track), SA-6 Gainful 1S91 Kub Leitstation, SA-10 S-300PMU RADAR/Feuerleitstand 30N6E2
P-40 1S12 (Long Track), MT-Lbu 1L219 Zoopark-1, SA-6 Gainful 1S91 Kub Leitstation, SA-10 S-300PMU RADAR/Feuerleitstand 30N6E2

MT-Lbu 1L219 Zoopark-1, P-40 1S12 (Long Track), SA-6 Gainful 1S91 Kub Leitstation, SA-10 S-300PMU RADAR/Feuerleitstand 30N6E2
P-40 1S12 (Long Track), MT-Lbu 1L219 Zoopark-1, SA-6 Gainful 1S91 Kub Leitstation, SA-10 S-300PMU RADAR/Feuerleitstand 30N6E2

MT-Lbu 1L219 Zoopark-1, P-40 1S12 (Long Track), SA-6 Gainful 1S91 Kub Leitstation, SA-10 S-300PMU RADAR/Feuerleitstand 30N6E2
P-40 1S12 (Long Track), MT-Lbu 1L219 Zoopark-1, SA-6 Gainful 1S91 Kub Leitstation, SA-10 S-300PMU RADAR/Feuerleitstand 30N6E2

A list of used references is in More topics/Literature
Information from Wikipedia is not always listed explicitly.