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This site shows an 'order of battle' page. As models it displays either the ship or one of the same class. If I have a model, this is shown. Otherwise candidates in the market may be referenced.

Operation Anvil-Dragoon, France, 15.8.-14.9.1944

(1217)(1218)(with even the numbers of small vessels) (1219)(1220)


10.T-Flottille Genoa
4 T-Boats, no action
U-Basis Toulon
Of 8 ramaining U-boats 5 were bombed by Dragoon, 2 no action, scuttled on fall of Toulon
U407 †
Typ VIIC, beim Auslaufen auf Grund gelaufen

U-Boot Typ VIIB (Typ VII)
M 6000
M 6001
Jean Bart (ex AD 474)
M 6002
Brinde Jone des.Moulinais (CC 2619)
M 6003
Josette Claude (CC 2556)
M 6004
Altona II
M 6005
Caducée (ex AD 239, † 1944)
M 6006
Vittoria (CLB 14)
M 6007
Amelia (CLB 15)
M 6008
Velella II
M 6009
Redacteur Alexandre (ex AD 344, † 1944)
M 6010
M 6011
Monte Cristo (ex AD 229, † 09.44)
M 6012
Poisson Sorcier
M 6020
Dédaigneuse (Aviso, FR56)
M 6021
Paon (-> M 7601) / Curlis
M 6022
Homard (-> M 7602) / Enseigne († 11.4.44)
M 6023
Calmar (-> M 7603) / Alcyon II (ex AD 220, † 08.44)
M 6024
Roche Bleue (-> M 7604) / Erable († 11.3.44)
M 6025
Eneo ex jug. Socha
M 6026
Maximiliano (CLB 13, † 1944)
M 6027
M 6028
M 6029
Cap Noir (ex AD 181, sc 21.8.44)
M 6031
Roche Bleue
M 6041
M 6042
Neubau Bandol
M 6043
Neubau La Ciotat
M 6044
Neubau Bordeaux
M 6045
Neubau Brest
M 6046
Neubau Cannes
M 6047
M 6060
Les Espargues † (auch als UJ 6060)

Tahure (1939/40) Aviso (Arras Class), Tahure 1941 (Arras Class)
M 6061
M 6062
Djebel Dira † ex franz. Djebel Dira, dann Felix 21, dann SG12. Nach Torpedoschaden Umbau Flakkorvette und Minenboot M 6062
M 6063
Cyrnos / SG13 †
UJ 6070
UJ 6071
UJ 6072

UJ2219 ex UJ6072 ex Insuma (UJ2219) (1/600)
UJ 6073
Nimet Allah † durch Endicott, Aphis, Scarab

UJ6073 Nimet Allah (UJ6073) (1/600)
UJ 6074
Hardi (SM 322)
UJ 6075
Clairvoyant (SM 324)
UJ 6076
Volontaire (SM 321)
UJ 6077
CH 4 († 17.8.44)

Similar type CH14 Chasseur Diélette (Ch5 FR subchaser class|Ch5-Ch16 FR subchaser) (1/600)
UJ 6078
La Havraise
UJ 6079 KT 41, UJ 6080 KT 42
KT 41

Kriegstransporter KT-1-54 (Kriegstransporter), Kriegstransporter KT-1 (Kriegstransporter) (1/1250)
Gabbiano class corvettes
UJ 6081 Camoscio † durch Endicott, Aphis, Scarab, UJ 6082 Antilope 15.8. † durch Somers, UJ 6083 Capriolo, UJ 6084 Alce, UJ 6086 Cervo, UJ 6087 Daino, UJ 6088 Stambecco und mglw. UJ6085 angegeben als Renna aber auch CH1 († 6.8.44)

UJ2221 Vespa (Gabbiano class) (1/600), Gabbiano (Gabbiano class) (1/1250), Driade 1942 (Gabbiano class)
UJ 6085
CH 1 († 6.8.44) / Renna (Gabbiano)?

Similar type CH14 Chasseur Diélette (Ch5 FR subchaser class|Ch5-Ch16 FR subchaser) (1/600)
UJ 6089
nicht nachgewiesen
UJ 6090
Silver Wings / FR 205 (ex Colleville, ital. als Geleitboot)
UJ 6091
Sardinette / FR 211
UJ 6092
UJ 6093
UJ 6094
M/bt Hassinn
22.UJ-Flottille (Thyrrhenisches Meer)
UJ 2207
frz. FD "Cap Nord"
UJ 2215
UJ 2220
ital. MS "Lago Zuai"

UJ2220 ex Italian AMC "Lago Zuai" (UJ2220) (1/600)
Gabbiano class corvettes
UJ 2221 Vespa, UJ 2224 Strolaga, UJ 2225 Ardea, UJ 2226 Artemide, UJ 2227 Persefone, UJ 2228 Euterpe

UJ2221 Vespa (Gabbiano class) (1/600), Gabbiano (Gabbiano class) (1/1250), Driade 1942 (Gabbiano class)
UJ 2229
frz. Aviso Rasgeot "De la Touche" ex SG 15

Chamois class (Chamois class) (1/1250)
UJ 2230
UJ 2231
frz. Aviso "La Battailleuse" es SG 23

Commandant Delage (Elan class)
further assigned:
als VAS begonnen, für KM weiter gebaut
RA 251 (ex Vas 306), RA 252 (ex Vas 305), RA 253 (ex Vas 307), RA 254 (ex Vas 301), RA 255 (ex Vas 304), RA 256 (ex Vas 303), RA 257 (ex Vas 302), RA 258 (ex Vas 309), RA 259 (ex Vas 311), RA 260 (ex Vas 312), RA 261 (ex Vas 236), RA 262 (ex Vas 239), RA 263 (ex Vas 308), RA 264 (ex Vas 310), RA 265 (ex Vas 240), RA 266 (ex Vas 241), RA 267 (ex Vas 242), RA 268 (ex Vas 243)

Similar style R130-R150 Minenräumboot (1/1250)
neben diesen italienischen Beute-Booten traten schließlich von der 11. Räumboots-Flottille folgende Boote zu2 22. U-Jagd-Flottille über:
R151 class
R162, R189
pic by
Similar type R401 1944 (1/1250)
R194 class
R198, R199, R212
pic by
Similar type R401 1944 (1/1250)
RDV101 class
RD109, RD111, RD112, RD147

RD101 Escort Boat (RDV101) (1/600)
SG 21 (ex-franz. Amiral Sénès) †

Chamois class (Chamois class) (1/1250)
Kommandos der Kleinkampfmittel
Fünf deutsch bemannte MAS-Boote geraten in einen Schutzschirm der US Zerstörer Harding, Satterlee, Carmick und Frankford. Drei Boote werden nach alliierten Angaben versenkt, USS Frankford (DD 497) wird beschädigt
1. Sturmboot-Flottille
Drei Nacht-Einsätze der 1. Sturmboot-Flottille (KKpt. Kurt Haun) mit MTSMA- und MTM Sturmbooten von Villefranche (bei Nizza) gegen südfranzösische Landeköpfe und die zu ihrer Sicherung abgestellten alliierten Zerstörer bleiben ohne Erfolg. Dabei gelingt es der 15. US Schnellboot-Flottille (PT 210, 213, 552) mehrfach Gruppen abzuwehren.
Selbstversenkung dt. Fahrzeuge an der franz. Südküste: das unfertige Geleitschiff SG 22 (ex-franz. Enseigne Ballande) am 20.8. in Port de Bouc, SG 16 (ex-franz. La Curieuse), SG 24 (ex-franz. Ampère) und SG 25 (ex-franz. Les Espargues, unfertig) am 22.8. in Marseille. — Am 28.8. wird Marseille wird von den Deutschen geräumt, dabei werden M 6062 / SG 12 und M 6063 / SG 13 selbstversenkt.

Chamois class (Chamois class) (1/1250), Commandant Delage (Elan class), Tahure (1939/40) Aviso (Arras Class), Tahure 1941 (Arras Class)
ex ital VAS
Die dt. Räumboote RA 255 (ex-ital. VAS 304) und RA 259 (ex-ital. VAS 311) werden vor Antibes bei einem Gefecht mit brit. Einheiten versenkt. Das dt. R-Boot RA 251 (ex-ital. VAS 306) wird nach einem Gefecht im Golfe de Juan selbst versenkt.

Similar style R130-R150 Minenräumboot (1/1250)

Allied Naval Forces

Flagships, Command Ships
USS Catoctin AGC-5 x
x durch Bomben

USS Catoctin AGC-5 1943/47 (Appalachian class)
USS Treasury class
USCGC Duane (WPG-33/WAGC-6/WHEC-33)

USCG John C.Spencer (1944) (Treasury class)
Barnegat class
USS Biscayne AVP-11

USS Barnegat AVP-10 (Barnegat class) (1/1250), HQ-5 Trần Bình Trọng ex USS AVP-35 Castle Rock (Barnegat class)
Bayfield class
USS Bayfield APA-33

USS Callaway APA-35 (Bayfield class|US Type C3)
HMS Ulster Queen

HMS Ulster Queen (1/1250)
HMS Stuart Prince, Antwerp
Air beacon ship, Fighter Direction Ship
Bogue/Attacker class
HMS Khedive (899 Naval Air Squadron) Supermarine Seafire
HMS Emperor (800 Naval Air Squadron) Grumman Hellcat
HMS Searcher (882 Naval Air Squadron) Grumman Wildcat
HMS Pursuer (881 Naval Air Squadron) Wildcat
HMS Attacker (879 Naval Air Squadron) Supermarine Seafire
HMS Hunter (807 Naval Air Squadron) Supermarine Seafire,
HMS Stalker (809 Naval Air Squadron) Supermarine Seafire

USS Bogue CVE-9/AVG-9 (Bogue class|Attacker class|Type C3 class), HMCS Nabob (Bogue class|Attacker class)
Casablanca class
USS Tulagi (VOF-01) F6F Hellcat,
USS Kasaan Bay (VF-74) F6F Hellcat

USS Casablanca CVE-55 (Casablanca class)
LSTs with Flight Deck

HMS Ramillies

HMS Royal Oak (Revenge class)
USS Texas

USS Texas BB-35 (New York class)
USS Nevada

USS Nevada BB-36 1916 (Nevada class) (1/1250), USS Nevada BB-36 1941 (Nevada class)
USS Arkansas

USS Arkansas BB-33 1945 (Wyoming class)

Lorraine (Bretagne class) (1/1250), Provence 1940 (Bretagne class)
USS New Orleans class
Quincy, Tuscaloosa x

USS Tuscaloosa CA-37 (New Orleans class), USS San Franzisko CA-38 (New Orleans class)
USS Augusta

USS Chicago CA-29 (Northampton class), USS Chester CL-27/CA-27 (Northampton class) (1/1250)
USS Brooklyn class
Brooklyn, Philadelphia

USS Boise CL-47 (1942) (Brooklyn class)
USS Omaha class
Omaha, Cincinnati, Marblehead

USS Milwaukee CL5 (Omaha class)
Galissoniere class
Gloire, Montcalm, Georges Leygues

Georges Leygues (1945) (La Galissonnière class)

Primauguet (Duguay Trouin 1926 class) (1/1250), Lamotte-Picquet 1940 (Lamotte-Picquet class)
Émile Bertin

Emile Bertin (1934) (Bertin) (1/1250), Similar type Georges Leygues (1945) (La Galissonnière class), Emile Bertin (1942) (Bertin)
Jeanne d’Arc
en reserve
pic by
Jeanne d'Arc 1938 (1/1250)
Leander class
HMS Prion, Ajax

HMS Ajax 1942 (Leander class), HMAS Sydney (Leander class)
Arethusa class
HMS Aurora

HMS Arethusa 1945 (Arethusa class), HMS Penelope 1940 (Deluxe Edition) (Arethusa class)
Dido class
Dido, Black Prince, Argonaut, Dido, Royalist

HMS Naiad (1940) (Dido class)
C class
HMS Columbo, Caledon

HMS Coventry 1940 (C Class Cruiser), HMS Calcutta 1941 (C Class Cruiser)
HMS Delhi
Danae class

ORP Conrad (Cruiser D class)
Gleaves class
USS Gleaves, Plunkett, Endicott, Livermore, Eberle, Kearny, Ericsson, Forrest, Baldwin, Carmick, Ellyson, Rodman, Emmons, Forrest, Fitch, Hambleton, Macomb, Hobson, Woolsey, Ludlow, Edison, Butler, Gherardi, Herndon, Jeffers, Shubrick, Niblack, Frankford x , Carmick, Doyle, McCook, Baldwin, Harding, Satterlee, Thompson,

USS Livermore DD-429, Monsson DD-436 (Gleaves Class)
Benson class
USS Madison, Parker, Kendrick, MacKenzie, McLanahan, Nields, Ordronaux, Boyle, Champlin, Murphy, Benson, Madison, Hilary P. Jones,Charles F. Hughes

USS Benson DD-421 (Benson Class)
Somers class
USS Somers, Jouett

USS Somers DD-381 (1940) (Somers class), USS Sampson DD-394 (Somers class)
Buckley class DE
USS Marsh, Haines, USS Tatum, Haines, Marsh, Currier,

USS Buckley DE-51 Class (Captain class), USS Liddle (DE-206/APD-60) (Buckley class|Charles Lawrence class)
Edsall class DE
USS Frederick C. Davis, Herbert C. Jones

USS Calcaterra DER-390 1954 (Edsall class) (1/1250), HQ-4 Trần Khánh Dư ex USS DER-334 Forster (Edsall class)
HMS L class
HMS Lookout

HMS Legion (1941) (LM Class Destroyer), HMS Legion (1942) (LM Class Destroyer)
HMS T class
HMS Terpsichore, Termagant, HMS Troubridge, Tuscan, Tyrian, Teazer, Tumult

HMS Savage (ST class 1942) (1/1250), HMS Scorpion (ST class 1942)
Le Fantasque class
Le Fantasque, Le Terrible, Le Malin

Le Terrible (1945) (Le Fantasque class destroyer), Le Triomphant (1943) (Le Fantasque class destroyer)
L'Alcyon class
L'Alcyon, Le Fortuné, Forbin

Fougueux (L'Alcyon class) (1/1250)
Simoun class
Simoun, Tempête

Simoun (Simoun/Bourrasque class) (1/1250), Similar type ORP Burza (1936) (Wicher Class Destroyer)
HHMS Themistoklis, Pindos, HHMS Kriti, HHMS Themistoklis
Hunt class

HMS Badsworth L03 (1942) / HNorMS Arendal (Hunt-II-Destroyer), ORP Kujawiak (Hunt-II-Destroyer), Hunt III (1941-45) (Hunt-III-Destroyer)
HHMS Navarinon
E class

HMS Echo (EF Class Destroyer)
HMS Wheatland, Aldenham, Beaufort, Belvoir, Whaddon, Blackmore, Eggesford, Lauderdale, Farndale, Atherstone, Brecon, Calpe, Catterick, Cleveland, Haydon, Bicester, Liddesdale, Oakley, Zetland

Base type Hunt class
HMS Insect class
HMS Aphis, Scarab

Suma 1942 ex HMS Moth (Insect class), HMS Aphis (Insect class) (1/1250), HMS Aphis (Insect class) (1/600), HMS LadyBird Hull (Insect class)
French Cannon class DE
French corvettes Marocain, Tunisien , Hova, Algérien, Somali

Similar type USS Cannon DE-99 Class (Captain class)
Avisos Élan class
French sloops Commandant Domine, La Moqueuse, Commandant Bory, La Gracieuse, Commandant Delage, La Boudeuse

Commandant Delage (Elan class), Élan (Elan class) (1/1250)
HMS Aubrietia, Columbine

Base type Flower Class
Auk class
USS Pheasant, Raven, Auk, Broadbill, Chickadee, Nuthatch, Staff, Swift, Threat, Prevail, Seer, Dextrous, Pioneer, Sway, Symbol, Strive, Steady, Speed, Sustain

USS Raven AM-55 (Raven class), USS Raven AM-55 1940 (Raven class) (1/1250), USS Pilot AM-104 1942 (Auk class) (1/1250), USS Raven AM-55 (Raven class)
Admirable class
USS Improve, Implicit, Incessant, Incredible, Mainstay, Pinnacle

USS Admirable class PCER (Admirable class), USS Scout 1944 (Admirable class) (1/1250)

YMS (1944) (YMS class), HMS BYMS (YMS class) (1/600)
HMS Bangor class
Rothesay , Bude , Brixham , Polruan , Stornoway, Rhyl

HMS Bangor J00 1940 (Bangor class), HMS Bangor class 1940 (Bangor class), HMS Bangor J00 (Bangor class) (1/1250), Minenräumer W101 (Bangor class)
HMS Algerine class
Aries, Rinaldo, Antares, Arcturus, Brave, Rosario, Spanker, Larne, Clinton, Octavia, Stormcloud, Welfare

HMS Brave J305 (Algerine class), HMS Circe J214 (Algerine class) (1/1250), HMS Marvel J443 (Algerine class) (1/1250)
HMS Product
Isles class
Crowlin , Ailsa Craig , Mewstone , Skokholm

HMS Whalsay T293 (Isles class) (1/1250), HMT Isles class 1942 (Isles class), HMT Isles class Lindisfarne T361 1943 (Isles class)
French AM

YMS (1944) (YMS class), HMS BYMS (YMS class) (1/600)
LCC as minesweepers
("Landing Craft, Control" to guide through minefields etc., slightly larger than LCVP)

Similar type USS LCVP (USS LCVP|Allied Landing Craft WW2)
Danlayers Isles class
Foula, Kintyre

HMT Isles class 1942 (Isles class)
Danlayers MS Whaler class
Nebb, Satsa

Similar style Tama Maru (Tama Maru)
Danlayers req. Trawlers
Borealis, Calm
USS Barricade ACM-3 Chimo class
PT Boats
Air-sea-rescue craft (PT boats…) US…. British P-403

RAF Air Sea Rescue Launch

USS SC497 110' Subchaser Wk2 (SC497 class|PGM-1 class) (1/600)

USS PC 173' (PC461) (USS PC461 class) (1/600), USS PC 173' (PC461) (USS PC461 class), USS PC-466 (SC 173' ) (USS PC461 class)
Chasseurs 95,96

USS SC39 110′ Subchaser 1917 (SC1 class) (1/600)

("Landing Craft, Control" to guide through minefields etc., slightly larger than LCVP)

Similar type USS LCVP (USS LCVP|Allied Landing Craft WW2)

LCT (LCT|Allied Landing Craft WW2), LCT 6 (LCT|Allied Landing Craft WW2)

LCM1 (14) (LCM|Allied Landing Craft WW2), LCM Mk. III (LCM|Allied Landing Craft WW2) (1/76)

Similar type LCG(L) MK3 (LCG|Allied Landing Craft WW2)

LCF(3) (LCT|Allied Landing Craft WW2)

LCS(L) (3) (LCS|Allied Landing Craft WW2), LCS(L) (3) (LCS|Allied Landing Craft WW2)

USS LCVP (USS LCVP|Allied Landing Craft WW2)
Attack transports USS Samuel Chase APA-26 Arthur Middleton-class, USS Henrico APA-45 Bayfield class, transports USS Anne Arundel AP-76, USS Thurston AP-77, attack freighters USS Oberon AK-56/APA-14 Arcturus class, USS Andromeda AKA-15 Andromeda class, HMS Highway

USS Callaway APA-35 (Bayfield class|US Type C3), USS Algol AKA-54 1943/70 (Andromeda class|Type C2)
Transports USS Elizabeth C. Stanton, Lyon, Marine Robin, Santa Rosa, Barnett, Joseph T. Dickman
Attack freighters USS Procyon, Arcturus
British LSP Dilwara, LSI Ascania, Landing Ship Gantry Ennerdale (converted tanker carrying LCM).

HMS Eastway
ex LSD-10

USS Comstock LSD-19 (Casa Grande class)
Attack transports USS Charles Carroll, Thomas Jefferson
Transports USS Dorothea L. Dix, Florence Nightingale, General G. O. Squier
Attack freighters USS Cepheus, Achernar, Betelgeuse

HMS Prince Baudoin LSI(S), HMS Prins Albert, HMS Princess Beatrix

HMS Princess Beatrix (HMS Princess Beatrix)
HMCS Prince Henry, Prince David

HMCS Prince Henry (Prince David class) (1/1250), HMCS Prince David (Prince David class)
Flushdeckerclass APD
USS Tattnall, Roper, Barry, Greene, Osmond Ingram

USS Ward APD-16 ex DD-139 (Wickes Class)
Abnaki class
USS Arikara

USCG Tamaroa WHEC-166 (Navajo class|US-Tug)
Navajo class
USS Hopi, Narragansett, Pinto, Moreno

USCG Tamaroa WHEC-166 (Navajo class|US-Tug), USS Penguin ASR-12 (Penguin class|US-Tug)
HMS Tugs
Empire Spitfire, Empire Ann, HMS Aspirant, Athlete, Charon
Boom vessel Barholm, Bardolf

Ma.101 Aux Netlayer ex HMS Barlight (Bar class) (1/1250)
Harbour Tug Little

US-Tug V2-ME-A1 (US-Tug|V2-ME-A1 class), USS Hoga YT-146 1941 (Woban class)
Harbour Tug Big, Evea

Ocean Tug Rescue ATR-1
ATR-1, HMRT Aspirant (W-134) ex ATR-42
ATA-125, ATA-172, Athlete, Charon

USS Genessee AT-55 / PB-107 (Monocacy class|US-Tug)
299, …..

HMS Fairmile C MGB (Fairmile C)


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Last change of this page: Saturday 18 January 2025 16:09.


(1218) Carter, Duval:Ships, Salvage, and Sinews of War: The Story of Fleet Logistics Afloat in Atlantic & Med. Ebook in
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