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List of naval battles


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Atlantic, Arctic

Kolumbus Expedition to America 3.8.1492

Santa Maria
Circumnavigation Fernando Magellan 10.8.1519-6.9.1522

Further locations

Hafendio: Wasserturm, Hafendio: Zollgebäude, Kogge XIV Jhdt
Battle of Trafalgar, 21.10.1805
GB (winner) ↔ France, Spain

HMS Victory
Battle of Heligoland 4.6.1849
Germany ↔ Denmark (draw)

SMS Barbarossa
Battle of Hampton Roads 8./9.3.1862
United States of America

Merrimack / CSS Virginia 1862, Monitor 1862
Battle off Heligoland 9.5.1864
Denmark (winner) ↔ Austria-Hungary, Prussia

Preußischer Adler (1847)
Triple Alliance War / Paraguay War 1864-1870
Paraguay ↔ Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay (winner)

Brasil 1865
Austro-Prussian War 14.6.-22.7.1866
Prussia (winner) ↔ Austria-Hungary, Hannover

SMS Arminius 1870, USS Miantonomoh 1863
Battle off Weser 24.8.1866
Germany ↔ France

SMS Arminius 1870, USS Miantonomoh 1863
Battle off Havanna, 9.11.1870
Germany ↔ France ↔ Spain (draw)

SMS Meteor 1865
Brazilian Naval Revolts / Revoltas da Armada 1893-1894

Aquidabã (Aquidaban)
Spanish-American-War April-August 1898
United States of America (winner) ↔ Spain

Further locations

Almirante Tamandare
Markommania-Incident 2.9./5.9.1902
Germany ↔ Haiti

SMS Iltis 1898
Venezuelan crisis, 9.12.1902-19.2.1903
European Alliance ↔ Venezuela Compromise

Dschunken, SMS Niobe (1900/1918)
The Great White Fleet World Tour 16.12.1907-22.2.1909
United States of America

Further locations

USS Kearsarge BB-5 1899
Dutch-Venezuelan-Crisis 26.11.-23.12.1908
Netherlands ↔ Venezuela

Jacob van Heemskerck 1908
Portugiesische Revolution 5.10.1910

Agadir Crisis 1.-20.7.1911
Germany ↔ France

SMS Bremen 1904


Battle of Oliwa / Gdańsk Roadstead 28.11.1627
Poland (winner) ↔ Sweden

Pinke "Zolty Lew" 1622
Battle of Eckernförde 5.4.1849
Germany, Schleswig, Holstein (winner) ↔ Denmark

SMS Gefion 1846
Battle of Jasmund 17.3.1864
Denmark (winner) ↔ Germany

SMS Arcona 1859
Kiel Ironclad Race 4.10.1866
United States of America ↔ Germany (winner)

SMS Arminius 1870, USS Miantonomoh 1863
Battle off Hiddensee 17.8.1870
France ↔ Prussia

Triomphante 1884
Battle in the Putziger Wiek 23.8.1870
France ↔ Prussia

Triomphante 1884

Mediterranean, Black Sea, Caspian

Battle of Lepanto 1571
Holy League (winner) ↔ Ottoman Empire

Venezianische Galeasse Lepanto 1571
Battle of the Nile, 1./2.8.1798
France ↔ GB (winner)

HMS Bellerophon 1786
Sea of Azov Naval Campaign (Crimean War) 25.5.-22.11.1855
SU ↔ GB, France (winner)

SMS Nix 1851
Battle of Kinburn 17.10.1855 (Crimean War)
SU ↔ GB, France (winner)

SMS Nix 1851
Battle of Tres Forcas 7.8.1856
Prussia ↔ Rifkaylen(Marokko) (winner)

SMS Danzig
Battle of Lissa (Vis) 20.7.1866
Austria-Hungary (winner) ↔ Italy

SMS Erzherzog Ferdinand Max 1880 (kuk)
Cantonal Rebellion Spain 12.7.1873-3.1.1874

Numancia 1863
Salonika Incident 6.5.1876
Turkey ↔ Greece, France, GB, SU, Italy

Iclaliye Ironclad
Russo-Turkish-War 1877-78
SU, Romania (winner) ↔ Turkey ↔ GB

Osmaniye 1897
French conquest of Tunisia / Sfax 5.-16.7.1881
France (winner) ↔ Tunisia

Triomphante 1884
Bombardement of Alexandria, 11.-13.7.1882
GB (winner) ↔ Egypt

Messudieh 1903
Greco-Turkish War 18.4.-20.5.1897
Greece ↔ Ottoman Empire (winner) ↔ International Intervention

SMS Panther kuk
The Great White Fleet World Tour 16.12.1907-22.2.1909
United States of America

Further locations

USS Kearsarge BB-5 1899
Earthquake of Messina 28.12.1908, International Aid

Tsesarevich 1902
Italo-Turkish War 1911/1912
Italy (winner) ↔ Ottoman Empire

SMS Weissenburg (1894) / türk. Torgud Reis
1.Balkan War 1912/13
Ottoman Empire ↔ Balkan League (winner) ↔ International Intervention

Hamidiye 1904

Pacific, Asia

Battle of Chibi, Winter 208

Three Kingdoms Rou Sen 1, Three Kingdoms Sen tou, Three Kingdoms Sou ka
Circumnavigation Fernando Magellan 10.8.1519-6.9.1522

Further locations

Hafendio: Wasserturm, Hafendio: Zollgebäude, Kogge XIV Jhdt
Naval Battle of Hakodate 4.-10.5.1869
Ezo (Japan) ↔ Japan (Imperial) (winner)

SMS Danzig
War of the Pacific / Saltpeter War 1879-1881
Chile (winner) ↔ Peru, Bolivia

Huascar 1866
Battle of Thuan An 20.8.1883
France (winner) ↔ Vietnam

Bayard 1884
Battle of Fuzhou / Foochow / Pagoda Anchorage 1884-08-23
France ↔ China

Triomphante 1884
Battle of Shipu 14.2.1885
France (winner) ↔ China

Triomphante 1884
Apia Cyclone 16.3.1889, Samoa Crisis 1887-94
Germany ↔ GB ↔ United States of America (draw)

SMS Moltke 1878
Chilean Civil War 1891

Almirante Tamandare
First Sino-Jap. War: Battle of Pungdo 25.07.1894
China ↔ Japan

The bow is on the left!
First Sino-Jap. War: Battle of the Yalu River 17.9.1894
China ↔ Japan

The bow is on the left!
First Sino-Jap. War, Battle of Weihawei, 20.1.-12.2.1895
China ↔ Japan

Hiei arm. corvette 1878
Anglo-Zanzibar War 27.8.1896
GB (winner) ↔ Sansibar

HMS Edgar 1893
Spanish-American-War April-August 1898
United States of America (winner) ↔ Spain

Further locations

Almirante Tamandare
American-Philippine-War Feb 1899-Jul 1902
United States of America (winner) ↔ Spain

Infanta Isabel (Velasco Spanish variant)
Hong Kong 6-day-war 14.-19.4.1899
GB (winner) ↔ Clans

HMS Foam 1896
Boxer Rebellion, 2.11.1899-7.9.1901
China ↔ GB, France, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Japan, SU, United States of America, Italy

Lieutnant Burakov (1899) Taku
Kuwait 28.9.1901
GB, Kuwait (winner) ↔ Turkey

HMS Pegasus
Russ.Jap.War: Battle of Port Arthur 8./9.2.1904
Japan ↔ SU Russ tact win - jap strat win

Iwate 1902
Russ.Jap.War: Battle of Chemulpo Bay 9.2.1904
Japan (winner) ↔ SU

Russ.Jap.War: Sinking of Petropavlovsk 13.4.1904
Japan (winner) ↔ SU

Tango 1905 ex Poltawa
Russ.Jap.War: Battle in the Yellow Sea 10.8.1904
Japan (winner) ↔ SU

Smyrni ex kuk Ulan, USS Mississippi BB-23 / Greek Kilkis
Russ.Jap.War: Battle off Ulsan 14.8.1904
Japan (winner) ↔ SU

Iwate 1902
Russ.Jap.War: Battle of Korsakov 20.8.1904
Japan (winner) ↔ SU

Tsushima 1904
Russ.Jap.War: Battle of Tsushima, 27./28.5.1905
Japan (winner) ↔ SU

Kamchatka 1905, Koreya 1905, Svir 1905
The Great White Fleet World Tour 16.12.1907-22.2.1909
United States of America

Further locations

USS Kearsarge BB-5 1899


Atlantic, Arctic

First Blood: Königin Luise, HMS Amphion, 4.8.1914
GB ↔ Germany

HMS Amphion 1913
Raids of SMS Karslruhe Middle Atlantic 1914
Germany ↔ GB, France

SMS Karlsruhe 1914
Channel Cover of the BEF Expeditionary Force, August 1914
Germany ↔ GB, France

HMS Acheron
Battle of Rio de Oro 26.8.1914
Germany ↔ GB (winner)

Kaiser Wilhelm der Große 1914
Battle of Heligoland Bight 28.8.1914
GB ↔ Germany

HMS Acheron
Cameroon Campaign 7.9.-8.10.1914
GB (winner) ↔ Germany

HMS Monmouth
Sinking Aboukir, Hogue, Cressy 22.9.1914
Germany (winner) ↔ GB

HMS Cressy 1901
Texel Action 17.10.1914
Germany ↔ GB (winner)

SMS S90 1899
British Bombardment Westende/Lombartzyde 28.10.1914

Shikishima 1900
Yarmouth Raid 3.11.1914
Germany (winner) ↔ GB

SMS G37, SMS Seydlitz
British Bombardments Zeebrugge 1914

HMS Duncan 1903
Battle of the Falklands, 8.12.1914
Germany ↔ GB

SMS Bremen 1904
Raid on Scarborough, Hartlepool and Whitby 16.12.1914
Germany ↔ GB, France

SMS G37, SMS Seydlitz
Cuxhaven Raid 25.12.1914
GB ↔ Germany

HMS Acheron
Battle of the Doggerbank, 1915-01-24
GB ↔ Germany

Sailing boats, SMS G37, SMS Seydlitz
Battle of North Hinder 1.5.1915
GB ↔ Germany

Mersey class trawler
Scuttling SMS Meteor 9.8.1915
Germany ↔ GB (winner)

HMS Caroline 1914
Battle off Amrum 17.8.1915
GB ↔ Germany

HMS Mary Rose (1916)
British Bombardements Belgian Coast 1915
GB, France ↔ Germany

HMS Ascot (1917)
Sinking SMS Greif 29.2.1916
Germany ↔ GB (winner)

HMS Caroline 1914
British Raid Hoyer 25.3.1916
GB ↔ Germany

HMS Caroline 1914
Raid on Lowestoft and Great Yarmouth 24./25.4.1916
GB ↔ Germany

SMS G37, SMS Seydlitz
Tondern Raid 4.5.1916
GB ↔ Germany

HMS Engadine
Battle of Jutland, 31.5.-1.6.1916
GB ↔ Germany

SMS G37, SMS Seydlitz
Some Actions Channel, North Sea 1916
GB ↔ Germany

HMS Caroline 1914
Some Actions Channel, North Sea 1917
GB, France ↔ Germany

Battle of Flanders Bight 23.1.1917
GB ↔ Germany

HMS Caroline 1914
AMC SMS Leopard 16.3.1917
Germany ↔ GB (winner)

HMS Black Prince 1906
Bombardement Zeebrugge Gates 12.5.1917
GB ↔ Germany

HMS Mary Rose (1916)
Bombardment Ostende 4.6.1917
GB ↔ Germany

HMS Mary Rose (1916)
Norway-Lerwick-Convoys 1917
Germany ↔ GB

SMS Brummer 1917
British Bombardment Belgian Coast 19.10.1917
GB ↔ Germany

HMS Erebus
2nd Battle of Heligoland Bight 17.11.1917
GB ↔ Germany

HMS Mary Rose (1916)
Attack on Dover Barrage 14/15.2.1918
GB ↔ Germany (winner)

SMS B-98
British North Russia Squadron and Allies 1918
GB, France, SU, United States of America

HMS Canopus 1899
German Bombardemenet on Dunkirk 21.3.1918
GB, France ↔ Germany

HMS Mary Rose (1916)
Zeebrugge / Ostende Raid 23.4.1918
GB, France ↔ Germany (winner)

HMS Mary Rose (1916)
Ostende 2nd Raid 9.5.1918
GB, France ↔ Germany (winner)

HMS Mary Rose (1916)
Allied Intervention Northern Russia: Invasion of Archangelsk 30.7.1918
GB, France, United States of America ↔ SU

USS Olympia C-6/CA-15
Brazilian Naval Division for War Operations (DNOG) 1918

Bahia 1938


Baltic 1914: Mining Operations and Skirmishes
Germany ↔ SU

Loss of SMS Magdeburg 25.8.1914
Germany ↔ SU (winner)

SMS Magdeburg
Assault on Libau 7.5.1915
Germany ↔ SU

SMS Hagen 1915
Encounter off Backofen (Uzava), 19.6.1915
SU ↔ Germany

SMS Hagen 1915
Action off Windau 28.6.1915
Germany ↔ SU

SMS Hagen 1915
Gotland-Raid, 2.7.1915
Germany ↔ SU, GB

SMS Bremen 1904
Destroyer Skirmish Irben Strait 17.7.1915
Germany ↔ SU

T151 Comet
Battle of the Gulf of Riga, 8.-19.8.1915
Germany ↔ SU

SMS Bremen 1904
Russian Raid on German Sealanes 30.6.1916
SU, GB ↔ Germany

SMS Magnet kuk 1900
Shelling of Balticport (Paldiski) 10./11.11.1916
Germany ↔ SU

Operation Albion, Moon, Ösel, Dagö,

Germany (winner) ↔ SU, GB

SMS Bayern 1916
Finnland-Intervention, März-Dezember 1918
Sweden ↔ Finland, Germany ↔ SU, GB

SMS Nassau 1909/18

Mediterranean, Black Sea, Caspian

Pursuit of the Goeben 4.-10.8.1914
Germany ↔ GB, France

SMS Moltke
Battle of Antivari 16.8.1914
Austria-Hungary ↔ GB, France

Smyrni ex kuk Ulan, USS Mississippi BB-23 / Greek Kilkis
Bombardement Mount Lovcen 1914
Montenegro, France ↔ Austria-Hungary (winner)

SMS Panther kuk
Mesopotamian (Iraq) Campaign 1914-1918
GB ↔ Turkey

Further locations

Suma 1942 ex HMS Moth
Black Sea Raid 29.10.1914
Turkey ↔ SU

T151 Comet
Battle off Cape Sarych 18.11.1914
Turkey ↔ SU

SMS Magnet kuk 1900
Dardanelles / Gallipoli Campaign,

Turkey, Germany ↔ GB, France, SU, Australia

Drzki 1908, Nusret, SMS Weissenburg (1894) / türk. Torgud Reis, T151 Comet
Raid on Zonguldak 24/25.12.1914
Turkey ↔ SU

SMS Magnet kuk 1900
Actions Black Sea 4-6.1.1915
Turkey ↔ SU

SMS Magdeburg
Raid on the Suez Canal 2.-4.2.1915
GB, France, India (winner) ↔ Turkey

HMS Triumph ex Libertad
Raid on Odessa 3.4.1915
Turkey ↔ SU

Hamidiye 1904
Action Black Sea / Bosporus 10.5.1915
Turkey ↔ SU

T151 Comet
Coastal Bombardements Ancona, Porto Buso 23.-24.5.1915
Austria-Hungary ↔ Italy

SMS Szent Istvan (kuk), SMS Tatra kuk
Bombardement of Thessaloniki 21.10.1915
GB, France, SU (winner) ↔ Bulgaria

Mersey class trawler
Battle of Kirpen Island 10.12.1915
Germany, Turkey ↔ SU (winner)

SMS U71 Minenleger 1915/18, SMS UC1-4 Küstenminenboot 1914/18, SMS U-Deutschland 1915 / U155, U-Boot Typ IXC
1. Battle of Durazzo 28.-29.12.1915
Austria-Hungary ↔ Italy, France, GB

SMS Szent Istvan (kuk), SMS Tatra kuk
Dreadnought Action Black Sea 8.1.1916
Turkey ↔ SU

Imperatritza Maria 1915
Action off Durazzo 6.2.1916
Austria-Hungary ↔ Italy, France, GB

Smyrni ex kuk Ulan, USS Mississippi BB-23 / Greek Kilkis
Eleusina Confrontation, 7.10.1916
Greece ↔ France, GB, SU (winner)

USS Mississippi BB-23 / Greek Kilkis
Kastellorizo: Land artillery battery sinks seaplane carrier 11.1.1917
GB ↔ Turkey (winner)

Battle of Otranto Strait 14./15.5.1917
Austria-Hungary, Germany ↔ Italy, France, GB

SMS Szent Istvan (kuk), SMS Tatra kuk
Naval Support Battle Isonzo 1917
GB, Italy ↔ Austria-Hungary

HMS Erebus
Japanese Detachment in Mediterranean, Battle 11.7.17
Japan ↔ Austria-Hungary

Iwate 1902
Actions off Gaza Autumn 1917
GB, France ↔ Germany, Turkey

Kanran ex Nemesis
Battle of Imbros 20.1.1918
Turkey, Germany ↔ GB

SMS UC32 Küstenminenboot 1916
Action of Otranto Strait 22.4.1918
Austria-Hungary (winner) ↔ GB, France

SMS Szent Istvan (kuk), SMS Tatra kuk
2. Battle of Durazzo 2.10.1918
Italy, GB, United States of America, Australia ↔ Austria-Hungary

MAS 15

Pacific, Asia

Mexican Civil War 1914

USS Bainbridge DD-1 1900
Emden Raid 1914
Germany ↔ SU, France, Australia, GB, New Zealand, Japan

SMS Emden 1908/14
Raids of SMS Königsberg 1914
Germany ↔ GB (winner)

SMS Königsberg
First Action offTsingtao 22.8.1914
Germany (winner) ↔ GB, France

SMS S90 1899
Siege of Tsingtau, 2.9.-7.11.1914
Germany, Austria-Hungary ↔ Japan, GB, France

SMS S90 1899
Mesopotamian (Iraq) Campaign 1914-1918
GB ↔ Turkey

Further locations

Suma 1942 ex HMS Moth
Battle of Coronel, 1.11.1914
Germany ↔ GB

SMS Bremen 1904
Battle of Tanga / Battle of the Bees 4.11.1914
Germany (winner) ↔ GB

Hai Yung 1897
Japanese intervention in Siberia 12.1.1918-June 1922
Japan, GB, United States of America ↔ SU

Ise 1941


Atlantic, Arctic

Scuttling Scapa Flow 21.6.1919

SMS Kaiser
Spanish Civil War 1936-1939

Further locations

Baleares (1938)


Baltic War, Intervention of the Royal Navy in the Baltic Sea 1918-1920
GB, Estonia, Lithuania, France, Germany (winner) ↔ SU

HMAS Vampire D68

Mediterranean, Black Sea, Caspian

Russ. Revolution Internat. Black Sea Fleets 1919, French Mutinies

Paris 1914
Battle of Alexandrovsky Fort 21.5.1919 and the Caspian Flottilla

SMS Magnet kuk 1900
Georgien-Soviet War 12.2.-17.3.1921
Georgia, France ↔ SU (winner) ↔ Turkey

Marne 1941
Rif War: Landing at Al Hoceima 8.9.1925
Rif ↔ Spain, France

Spanish Civil War 1936-1939

Further locations

Baleares (1938)

Pacific, Asia

Honda Point Desaster 8.9.1923
United States of America

HMS Burwell H94 (1940) ex USS Laub DD-263
Wanhsien Incident 27.8.1926
GB ↔ China

Suma 1942 ex HMS Moth
Sino-Soviet-War 1929
SU (winner) ↔ China

SMS Otter 1910
January 28 Incident, Shanghai War 1932
Japan ↔ China

January 28 incident / Shanghai-Krieg 1932
Mutiny on the De Zeven Provinciën Feb. 1933

Soerabaja 1942
Second Sino-Japanese War 7.7.1937-9.9.1945
Japan (winner) ↔ China

Hai Chow ex  HMS Pentstemon


Atlantic, Arctic

Sinking of HMS Royal Oak 14.10.1939
GB ↔ Germany (winner)

HMS Royal Oak
Battle of the River Plate

Germany ↔ GB

Uruguay (1910)
Operation Weserübung 8.4.40-8.6.40
Germany (winner) ↔ Denmark, Norway, GB, France, Poland

Admiral Hipper 1941
Operation Dynamo, Dunkirk 26.5.-4.6.1940
GB, Poland, France ↔ Germany

HMS Echo
BETASOM 8.1940-9.1943

Scirè 1941, SLC Siluro a lenta corsa
Battle of Dakar, Operation Menace,

GB ↔ France

HMS Royal Oak
Tirpitz, 1940-1944
Germany ↔ GB

Nymphe Flakbatterie ex  Tordenskjold (1941-1945), R89 Minenräumer Typ 89 (1942-45), Tirpitz 1944
Arctic Raids 1941
GB, United States of America ↔ Germany

HMS Princess Beatrix
Operation Rheinübung (Bismarck) 18.5.-27.5.1941
Germany ↔ GB, United States of America (winner)

Nymphe Flakbatterie ex  Tordenskjold (1941-1945), R89 Minenräumer Typ 89 (1942-45), Tirpitz 1944
Operation Cerberus, the Channel Dash, 12.2.1942
Germany ↔ GB

Scharnhorst 1943 (deluxe)
St.Nazaire Raid, 28.3.1942
GB ↔ Germany

HMS Campbeltown I42 (1942) ex USS Buchanan
2.7.1942 PQ17 / Operation Rösselsprung

Nymphe Flakbatterie ex  Tordenskjold (1941-1945), R89 Minenräumer Typ 89 (1942-45), Tirpitz 1944
Operation Wunderland Kara Sea 16.8.-5.10.1942
Germany ↔ SU

Lützow ex Deutschland
Dieppe Raid, 19.8.1942
GB ↔ Germany

HMS Middleton Aug.1943
PQ18 2.-21.9.1942
United States of America, GB, SU, France ↔ Germany

HMAS Vampire D68
Operation Frankton 12.12.1942
GB ↔ Germany

Sperrbrecher 14 Bockenheim
Battle of the Barents Sea, JW51B 31.12.1942

Lützow ex Deutschland
Operation Leader, Raid on Bodø Harbor, 4.10.1943

USS Ranger CV-4
Action off Les Sept Iles, 23.10.1943
Germany ↔ GB

T23 Flottentorpedoboot (1942)
Battle off the North Cape 25.-26.12.1943, Sinking of Scharnhorst
Germany ↔ GB

Scharnhorst 1943 (deluxe)
Exercise Tiger, Battle of Lyme Bay 27./28.4.1944

Operation Neptune, 6.6.1944

USS Texas BB-35
Battle of Cherbourg, 25.6.1944

USS Texas BB-35
Operation Infatuate, Battle of the Schelde 1.-8.11.1944
GB, Canada (winner) ↔ Germany

Granville Raid, 8.3.1945
Germany (winner) ↔ GB, United States of America

Operation Jupiter, Landing Oléron 30.4.1945
France (winner) ↔ Germany

USS Cannon DE-99 Class
Simulated attack U2511 on HMS Norfolk, 6.5.1945
Germany (winner) ↔ GB

Bunker German Navy U-Boat/S-Boat, 3cm-Flakzwilling 303, U-Boot Typ IXC, U-Boot Typ XXI U-2511


Invasion of Poland, 1.9.1939
Germany ↔ Poland

Naval Base, Schleswig-Holstein
Several Baltic Battles 1941-1945
Germany, Finland ↔ SU

G-5 Soviet MTB
Operation Beowulf, Moon, Ösel (Saaremaa), Dagö,

Germany, Finland ↔ SU

Ilmarinen 1941, VMV 17 1943
Sinking Wilhelm Gustloff 30.1.1945
SU (winner) ↔ Germany

Wilhelm Gustloff (1945)

Mediterranean, Black Sea, Caspian

Sinking of HMS Courageous 17.9.1939
GB ↔ Germany (winner)

HMS Courageous 1939
Sinking of HMS Terror off Derna/Tobruk 24.2.1940
GB ↔ Germany (winner)

HMS Erebus
Operation Vardo, Bombardement on Vardo, Genua 14.6.1940
France ↔ Italy

Battle of the Espero Convoy 28.6.1940
Italy ↔ GB

Operation Catapult, Mers-el-Kébir, 3.7.1940
GB ↔ France

HMS Royal Oak
Battle of Punta Stilo 9.7.1940
GB ↔ Italy

HMCS Huron 1944
Malta Konvois 1940-1942
GB, Australia, Netherlands, Poland ↔ Italy, Germany

HMS Royal Oak
Battle of Cape Spada 19.7.1940
Italy ↔ GB

ORP Garland H37
Battle off Cape Passero 12./13.10.1940
Italy ↔ GB

Camicia Nera
Red Sea, Convoy BN.7 21.10.1940
GB ↔ Italy

HMS Kipling Mai 1941 Kreta
Greco-Italian War 28.10.1940-23.4.1941
Italy ↔ Greece, GB

ORP Garland H37
Battle of Tarent, Battle of the Strait of Otranto 11./12.11.1940
GB ↔ Italy

ORP Garland H37
Schlacht von Kap Teulada/Spartivento 27.11.1940
Italy ↔ GB

Littorio (1941)
Battle of Bardia (Tobruk area) Coastal Bombardement 3.-5.1.1941
GB (winner) ↔ Italy

Suma 1942 ex HMS Moth
Operation Grog: Bombardement Genua 9.2.1941
GB ↔ Italy

HMS Echo
Operation Abstention, Invasion Castellorizo 25.-28.2.1941
GB, Australia ↔ Italy (winner)

ORP Garland H37
Battle of Cape Matapan 28.3.1941
Italy ↔ GB

Camicia Nera
Battle of the Tarigo Convoy off Sfax 16.4.1941
Germany, Italy ↔ GB

Nicolo Zeno
Bombings on Greek Navy at Invasion of Greece April 1941
Greece ↔ Germany

Smyrni ex kuk Ulan, USS Mississippi BB-23 / Greek Kilkis
Battle for Crete 14.-31.5.1941
Germany, Italy (winner) ↔ GB

ORP Garland H37
British Invasion of Syria & Lebanon Juni 1941
GB, Australia (winner) ↔ France

Guepard (1942)
Raid on Constanza 26.6.1941
SU ↔ Romania, Germany (winner)

Regele Ferdinand
Black Sea 1941-1945
SU ↔ Romania, Germany, Bulgaria, Italy, Croatia

Taschkent 1941
Battle of the Duisburg / BETA Convoy 9.11.1941
Italy, Germany ↔ GB

Camicia Nera
Sinking HMS Ark Royal 12./13.11.1941
GB, Netherlands ↔ Germany, Italy (winner)

HMS Ark Royal 1939
Sinking HMS Barham 25.11.1941
GB ↔ Germany (winner)

HMS Barham 1941
Cape Bon 13.12.1941

HMCS Huron 1944
1. Battle of the Sirte 17.12.1941

Nicolo Zeno
Raid on Alexandria 19.12.1941
Italy (winner) ↔ GB

Scirè 1941
2. Battle in the Sirte 22.3.1942

Camicia Nera
Italian Navy in Black Sea from May 1942
Italy ↔ SU

CB Midget Sub
Operation Harpoon, Vigorous 12.-16.6.1942
GB ↔ Italy, Germany

HMS Ariadne
Operation Pedestal 3.-15.8.1942
GB ↔ Italy, Germany

HMS Shakespeare
Battle of Haifa 10.8.1942
Italy ↔ GB (winner)

Scirè 1941
Operation Agreement, Raid on Tobruk 13./14.9.1942
GB, Rhodesia, New Zealand ↔ Germany, Italy (winner)

HMCS Huron 1944
Operation Torch, 8.-12.11.1942

HMS Duke of York 9.1941
Forza Navale Speciale, Landing on Corse 11-13.11.1942
Italy (winner) ↔ France

SMS Pillau / RN Bari
Toulon 27.11.1942

Savorgnan De Brazza (1931/40) Aviso
Battle of Skerki Bank, 2.12.1942

Nicolo Zeno
Operation Corkscrew, Landing on Pantelleria 18.5.-11.6.1943

HMS Kipling Mai 1941 Kreta
Operation Husky, Landing on Sicily 9.7.-17.8.1943
GB, Netherlands, Australia, United States of America (winner) ↔ Italy, Germany

HMS Upholder
Dodekanes Raid 8.9.-22.10.1943
Germany (winner) ↔ GB, Italy, Poland, Greece, India

TA18/TA17 ex Solferino
Operation Avalanche, Salerno Landings 9.-16.9.1943
GB, Greece, Poland, United States of America, Netherlands, France ↔ Germany

HMCS Nabob
Operation Slapstick, Tarent Landing 9.9.1943
GB, United States of America (winner) ↔ Germany

HMS Ariadne
Surrender Regia Marina 8.-10.11.1943
Italy ↔ GB, Greece, France (winner) ↔ Germany

Roma 1943
Capture of BYMS-72 11.11.1943
GB ↔ Germany (winner)

Catastrophy of Bari 2.12.1943
Germany ↔ Alliierte

USS Liberty Ship Jeremiah O'Brien
Operation Shingle: Anzio, Nettuno 22.1.-25.5.1944
United States of America, GB, France, Netherlands ↔ Germany

HMS Echo
Diederichsen Convoy 1944
Germany ↔ France

TA24 ex Arturo 1944
Operation Anvil-Dragoon, France, 15.8.-14.9.1944


Pacific, Asia

Battle of Koh Chang, 17.1.1941
France ↔ Thailand

Marne 1941, Trad class 1941
Anglo-Soviet invasion of Iran (Operation Countenance) 25.8.-17.9.1941
Iran ↔ GB, Australia, SU

HMAS Yarra U77
Pearl Harbour, 7.12.1941
United States of America ↔ Japan

USS Arizona BB-39
Battle of Wake Island 8.12.-23.12.1941
Japan ↔ United States of America

Naval Battle of Malaya, 10.12.1941
Japan (winner) ↔ GB, Australia

HMS Duke of York 9.1941
Invasion Celebes 11.1.-27.3.1942
Japan (winner) ↔ Netherlands, United States of America

Balikpapan 23/24.1.1942
Japan ↔ United States of America, Netherlands

Shiratsuyu (early, bsp 1937)
Endau (Malaya) 27.1.1942
Japan ↔ GB, Australia (winner)

Jintsu (1933)
Dutch East Indies: Invasion on Sumatra, 6.2.-17.2.1942 (Operation L, Palembang)
Japan ↔ Netherlands, GB, United States of America, Australia

Kimikawa Maru
Dutch East Indies: Badung Strait 19/20.2.1944
Japan (winner) ↔ Netherlands, United States of America

Fokker C.VII-W, Van Ghent (1930/38)
Dutch East Indies: Invasion on Java, 25.2.-9.3.1942

PB-106 ex NL Banckert
Indian Ocean Raid 1-9.4.1942
Japan (winner) ↔ GB, Netherlands, Australia

Chokai, Shiratsuyu (early, bsp 1937)
Doolittle Raid 18.4.1942
United States of America (winner) ↔ Japan

USS Enterprise CV-6
1942, 3. bis 8. Mai, Schlacht im Korallenmeer
United States of America, Australia ↔ Japan

Battle of Madagascar / Operation Ironclad 5.5.-6.11.1942

HMS Royal Oak
Midway, Aleuten (Dutch Harbor, Attu, Kiska) Operations 4.-7.6.1942
Japan ↔ United States of America

I-25 Attacks on continental US 6-9.1942
Japan (winner) ↔ United States of America

I15 IJN, I46 IJN
Guadalcanal Landings, Operation Watchtower, 7.8.1942
United States of America, Australia ↔ Japan

USS San Diego CL-53
Guadalcanal campaign: Savo Island 9.8.1942
Japan (winner) ↔ United States of America, Australia

Chokai, Shiratsuyu (early, bsp 1937)
Guadalcanal campaign: East Solomons 24.8.1942
Japan ↔ United States of America (winner)

Chokai, Shiratsuyu (early, bsp 1937)
Guadalcanal campaign: Cape Esperance 11.10.1942
Japan ↔ United States of America (winner)

USS Benson DD-421
Guadalcanal campaign: Henderson Field 23-26.10.1942
Japan ↔ United States of America (winner)

Jintsu (1933)
Guadalcanal campaign: Santa Cruz 26.10.1942
Japan (winner) ↔ United States of America

Guadalcanal campaign: Naval Battle of Guadalcanal 12-15.11.1942
Japan ↔ United States of America (winner)

Chokai, Shiratsuyu (early, bsp 1937)
Guadalcanal campaign: Tassafaronga 30.11.1942
Japan (winner) ↔ United States of America

Asashimo 1944
Guadalcanal campaign: Operation Ke, Evacuation Guadalcanal 14.1.-8.2.1943, Battle of Rennell Island 29.,30.1.43

USS Chicago CA-29
Battle of Blackett Strait 6.3.1943
Japan ↔ United States of America (winner)

Shiratsuyu (early, bsp 1937)
Battle of the Komandorski Islands 26.3.1943
Japan ↔ United States of America (draw)

Chokai, Shiratsuyu (early, bsp 1937)
Battle of the Bismarck Sea 4-4.3.1943
Japan ↔ United States of America (draw)

Taimei Maru 1943
Schlacht im Kula-Golf (Rice Anchorage) 5/6.7.1943
Japan (winner) ↔ United States of America

Battle of Kolombangara 12.7.1943
Japan (winner) ↔ United States of America, New Zealand

Jintsu (1933)
Battle of Vella Gulf 6/7.8.1943
Japan ↔ United States of America (winner)

Shiratsuyu (early, bsp 1937)
Battle off Horaniu 18.8.1943
Japan (winner) ↔ United States of America

Shiratsuyu (early, bsp 1937)
Battle of Vella Lavella 6.10.1943
Japan (winner) ↔ United States of America

Battle of Empress Augusta Bay 1/2.11.1943
Japan ↔ United States of America (winner)

Jintsu (1933)
First and Second Rabaul Air Strikes 5.+11.11.1943
Japan ↔ United States of America (winner)

USS San Diego CL-53
Operation Galvanic, Gilbert Islands 19-28.11.1943
Japan ↔ United States of America (winner)

USS Arizona BB-39
Battle of Cape St. George 25.11.1943
Japan ↔ United States of America (winner)

Operation Hailstone, Battle of Truk, 17.-18.2.1944
United States of America ↔ Japan

Akitsushima, Kawanishi H6K, Kawanishi H8K
Battle of the Philippine Sea (Great Marianas Turkey Shoot ) 19-21.6.1944
Japan ↔ United States of America (winner)

Leyte Gulf 23.10-21.12.1944
(Palawan, Sibuyan, Surigao, Samar, Cape Engano, Ormoc Bay)

Chokai, Shiratsuyu (early, bsp 1937)
British Pacific Fleet 22.11.44-1945

HMCS Nabob
Battle of Okinawa, 26.3.-2.7.1945
United States of America, Canada, New Zealand, GB (winner) ↔ Japan

USS Arizona BB-39
1945, 7. April, Operation Ten-gō (Luft- und Seeschlacht südlich von Japan)
Japan ↔ United States of America (winner)

Borneo Campaign, Operation Oboe 1.5.1945-30.8.1945
United States of America, Canada, New Zealand, GB, Australia (winner) ↔ Japan

USS Cassin DD-372
Penang / Malakka Strait 15.5.1945
Japan ↔ GB, France, Netherlands (winner)

Carrier Raids on the Home Islands 24-28.7.1945
Japan ↔ GB, United States of America (winner)

USS Iowa 1984


Atlantic, Arctic

Bay of Pigs, 17.-20.4.1961
Cuba (winner) ↔ United States of America

LCI(L) 1-350 Landungsboote
Cuba Crisis, 14.-28.10.1962

USS Intrepid CV-11 w/ angle deck 1972
Operation Sea Orbit 31.7.1964-3.10.1964
United States of America

Further locations

USS Enterprise CVN-65
Falklands War/Guerra de las Malvinas, 2.4.-20.6.1982
Argentina ↔ GB

HMS Amazon F169
Conch Republic, the shortest war in history 23.4.1982
United States of America (winner) ↔ Conch Republic

US Invasion Grenada 25.-29.10.1983
United States of America (winner) ↔ Grenada

USS Oliver H. Perry FFG-7
Operation Just Cause, US Invasion Panama 20.12.1989-31.1.1990
United States of America ↔ Panama (winner)

SH-2F Seasprite LAMPS, USS Robert E. Peary ( FF-1073 )
Haiti: Operation Uphold Democracy 19.9.1994-31.3.1995
United States of America, UNO

USS Kitty Hawk CV-63
JTFEX 01-2 U24 "sinking" by camera pic USS Enterprise March 2001
United States of America ↔ Germany (winner)

USS Enterprise CVN-65
UK Carrier Strike Group 21

HMS Queen Elizabeth

Mediterranean, Black Sea, Caspian

Corfu Channel Incidents 1946

HMS Ajax 1942
Naval Engagements of Israel

Hai Chow ex  HMS Pentstemon
Suez Crisis 29.10.-7.11.1956
France, Israel, GB ↔ Egypt ↔ United States of America

HMS Atherstone L05 (1942)
Turkish Invasion of Cyprus 1964, 1974
Cyprus, Greece ↔ Turkey

R89 Minenräumer Typ 89 (1942-45)
Gulf of Sidra Incident 19.8.1981
United States of America ↔ Libya

USS Saratoga CV-60
Bombardement of Militia Position around Beirut from 8.9.1983
United States of America ↔ Lebanon

SH-2F Seasprite LAMPS, USS Robert E. Peary ( FF-1073 )
Bombardement of Lebanon 14/15.12.1983
United States of America ↔ Lebanon

USS Iowa 1984
Gulf of Sidra Action 24.3.1986
United States of America ↔ Libya

Nanuchka III Prj 1234 Ovod
El Dorado Canyon: Tripolis, Benghazi 14.4.1986
United States of America ↔ Libya

General Dynamics EF-111
Tobruk Air Battle 4.1.1989
United States of America ↔ Libya

USS Kitty Hawk CV-63
Battle of Split 14.-16.11.1991
Yugoslavia ↔ Croatia (winner)

Delfin Pr.1159 Koni I
Operation Sharp Guard 1993-1996
Yugoslavia ↔ NATO

Panavia Tornado IDS mit MW-1, JaboG 32
Battle off the coast of Abkhazia 10.8.2008
SU (winner) ↔ Georgia

Anti-ISIS Naval Forces 2014-2021

USS Momsen DDG-92
Caspian Flottilla, 1st Action Kalibr versus IS 7.10.2015

Syria Missile Strikes (Shayrat Air base) 7.4.2017
Syria ↔ United States of America

USS Momsen DDG-92
Syria Missile Strikes (Damaskus, Homs) 14.4.2018
Syria, SU ↔ United States of America, GB, France

Aquitaine D650
Kerch Strait incident 25.11.2018
SU (winner) ↔ Ukraine

Incident at Operation Sea Guardian, 10.6.2020
Turkey ↔ Greece, France

USS Oliver H. Perry FFG-7
2021 Black Sea incident
SU ↔ GB, Netherlands, United States of America

HMS Dragon
Russian Invasion of Ukraine, from 24.2.2022
SU (winner) ↔ Ukraine

Moskva 2022
Cover for Israel after Hamas Terror of 7.10.2023 and Red Sea Crisis
Israel ↔ Lebanon

USS Momsen DDG-92
Russian Navy in Tartus till Fall of Assad in Syria, Dec. 2024
SU, Syria ↔ Israel (winner)

Osa I Prj205 Moskit

Pacific, Asia

The French Indochina naval operations (1946-55)

Arromanches 1946/56
Malayan Emergency (Anti-British National Liberation War) 1948-1960

HMAS Vendetta D08 1973
Amethyst Incident / Yangtze Incident, 20.4.-30.7.1949

HMS Starling
Korea War 1950-1953

HMCS Huron 1944
Navy Recovery Ships Mercury/Gemini/Apollo/Skylab/Soyuz 1961-75

USS Intrepid CV-11 w/ angle deck 1972
Kuwait Crisis, Operation Vantage, 1.7.1961
GB, Kuwait ↔ Iraq

HMS Barfleur R80 (1944)
Invasion/Liberation of Goa 17-19.12.1961, 18.12. Battle at Mormugão harbour
Portugal ↔ India (winner)

Savorgnan De Brazza (1931/40) Aviso
Battle of Arafura Sea / Vlakke Hoek 15.1.1962
Indonesia ↔ Netherlands

Iltis P6058
Indonesia-Malaysia-Conflikt 1963-1966
Commonwealth, Malaysia ↔ Indonesia

HMS Ajax F114 Ikara
Aden Emergency (Radfan Uprising ) 1963-1967
GB ↔ Aden

HMS Ajax F114 Ikara
Gulf of Tonkin incident, 2.8.1964
United States of America ↔ North Vietnam

USS Maddox DD-731
Vietnam War (1955)/1964-1975
Australia ↔ United States of America

Rommel D-187
Operation Sea Orbit 31.7.1964-3.10.1964
United States of America

Further locations

USS Enterprise CVN-65
2nd Indo-Pakistani War: Operation Dwarka 7.-8.9.1965
India ↔ Pakistan

HMS Barfleur R80 (1944)
Indo-Pakistani War of 1971
India ↔ Pakistan

Osa I Prj205 Moskit
Battle for the Paracel Islands 18.1.1974
China ↔ Vietnam

HQ-4 Trần Khánh Dư ex USS DER-334 Forster
Operation Eagle Claw, Iran Hostage Crisis, 24./25.4.1980
Iran ↔ United States of America

Eisenhower CVN-69
Tanker War, Persian Gulf 1984-1988
United States of America ↔ Iran

USS Iowa 1984
Johnson South Reef Skirmish, 1988-03-14 - 1988-03-16
China ↔ Vietnam

PLA 065 Nanchong (Jiangnan class)
Operation Praying Mantis, 18.4.1988
United States of America ↔ Iran

USS Oliver H. Perry FFG-7
Operation Desert Storm, 17.1.-28.2.1991

USS Midway CV-41 1991 Golfkrieg
No-Fly-Zone War 1992-2003

USS Momsen DDG-92
USS Cole Suicide Attack 12.2.2000

USS Momsen DDG-92
Battle of Amami-Oshima 22.12.2001
North Korea ↔ Japan (winner)

Inasa PS03 Coast Guard
Operation Iraqi Freedom / 2. Golfkrieg 20.3.-1.5.2003

HMAS Anzac FFH-150
JTFEX 06-2 HSwMs Gotland "sinking" by camera pic USS Ronald Reagan Dez.2005
United States of America ↔ Sweden (winner)

USS John C. Stennis CVN-74
Senkaku Boat Collission Incident 7/8.9.2010
China ↔ Japan (winner)

Hateruma PL-61
Operation Neptune Spear, Killing of Osama Bin Laden, 2.5.2011
United States of America

Incidents Persian Gulf, 2021/22
United States of America ↔ Iran

USS Cyclone class
First Landing and Start of jap. Aircraft Carrier since 75 years, 3.10.2021
United States of America, Japan

Lockheed Martin F35B


Actual Anniversary

Years relevant Date Name
110 04.01.1915 Actions Black Sea 4-6.1.1915
110 24.01.1915 Battle of the Doggerbank, 1915-01-24
80 30.01.1945 Sinking Wilhelm Gustloff 30.1.1945
110 02.02.1915 Raid on the Suez Canal 2.-4.2.1915
130 12.02.1895 First Sino-Jap. War, Battle of Weihawei, 20.1.-12.2.1895
140 14.02.1885 Battle of Shipu 14.2.1885
85 24.02.1940 Sinking of HMS Terror off Derna/Tobruk 24.2.1940
80 08.03.1945 Granville Raid, 8.3.1945
60 23.03.1965 Gemini-Titan 3 (GT-3) - March 23, 1965
80 26.03.1945 Battle of Okinawa, 26.3.-2.7.1945
110 03.04.1915 Raid on Odessa 3.4.1915
80 07.04.1945 1945, 7. April, Operation Ten-gō (Luft- und Seeschlacht südlich von Japan)
85 08.04.1940 Operation Weserübung 8.4.40-8.6.40
55 11.04.1970 Apollo-Saturn 13 (AS-13) - April 11-17, 1970
80 15.04.1945 Raid in Danzig Bay 15.4.1945
45 24.04.1980 Operation Eagle Claw, Iran Hostage Crisis, 24./25.4.1980
80 30.04.1945 Operation Jupiter, Landing Oléron 30.4.1945
110 01.05.1915 Battle of North Hinder 1.5.1915
80 01.05.1945 Battle of Tarakan, Oboe 1, 1.5.-21.6.1945
80 06.05.1945 Simulated attack U2511 on HMS Norfolk, 6.5.1945
80 06.05.1945 Last Battle in Baltic Sea 6.5.1945
110 07.05.1915 Assault on Libau 7.5.1915
110 10.05.1915 Action Black Sea / Bosporus 10.5.1915
80 15.05.1945 Penang / Malakka Strait 15.5.1945
110 23.05.1915 Coastal Bombardements Ancona, Porto Buso 23.-24.5.1915
85 26.05.1940 Operation Dynamo, Dunkirk 26.5.-4.6.1940
120 27.05.1905 Russ.Jap.War: Battle of Tsushima, 27./28.5.1905
60 03.06.1965 Gemini-Titan 4 (GT-4) - June 3-7, 1965
85 08.06.1940 Operation Juno 8.6.40, Versenkung der Glorious
5 10.06.2020 Incident at Operation Sea Guardian, 10.6.2020
80 10.06.1945 Battle of North Borneo / Labuan, Oboe 6, 10.6.-15.8.1945
85 14.06.1940 Operation Vardo, Bombardement on Vardo, Genua 14.6.1940
110 19.06.1915 Encounter off Backofen (Uzava), 19.6.1915
75 25.06.1950 Korean War Battle of Korea Strait 25.6.1950
110 28.06.1915 Action off Windau 28.6.1915
85 28.06.1940 Battle of the Espero Convoy 28.6.1940
80 01.07.1945 Battle of Balikpapan, Oboe 2, 1.-21.7.1945
110 02.07.1915 Gotland-Raid, 2.7.1915
75 02.07.1950 Korean War Battle of Chumonchin Chan 2.7.1950
85 03.07.1940 Operation Catapult, Mers-el-Kébir, 3.7.1940
110 06.07.1915 Battle of the Rufiji Delta
85 09.07.1940 Battle of Punta Stilo 9.7.1940
85 09.07.1940 MF1, MS1, Battle of Punta Stilo 9.7.1940
50 15.07.1975 Apollo-Soyuz Test Project (ASTP) - July 15-24, 1975
110 17.07.1915 Destroyer Skirmish Irben Strait 17.7.1915
85 19.07.1940 Battle of Cape Spada 19.7.1940
80 24.07.1945 Carrier Raids on the Home Islands 24-28.7.1945
85 31.07.1940 1st Club Run 31.7.1940
85 01.08.1940 BETASOM 8.1940-9.1943
110 08.08.1915 Battle of the Gulf of Riga, 8.-19.8.1915
110 09.08.1915 Scuttling SMS Meteor 9.8.1915
110 17.08.1915 Battle off Amrum 17.8.1915
60 21.08.1965 Gemini-Titan 5 (GT-5) - August 21-29, 1965
110 23.08.1915 British Bombardements Belgian Coast 1915
85 29.08.1940 MF2 29.8.1940
15 07.09.2010 Senkaku Boat Collission Incident 7/8.9.2010
60 07.09.1965 2nd Indo-Pakistani War: Operation Dwarka 7.-8.9.1965
100 08.09.1925 Rif War: Landing at Al Hoceima 8.9.1925
75 10.09.1950 Korean War Battle of Haeju 10.9.1950
75 15.09.1950 Korean War Operation Chromite: Inchon (10.-)15.-19.9.1950
85 24.09.1940 Battle of Dakar, Operation Menace, 24.9.1940
115 05.10.1910 Portugiesische Revolution 5.10.1910
10 07.10.2015 Caspian Flottilla, 1st Action Kalibr versus IS 7.10.2015
85 08.10.1940 Tirpitz, 1940-1944
85 08.10.1940 MF3 8.10.1940
85 12.10.1940 Battle off Cape Passero 12./13.10.1940
25 12.10.2000 USS Cole Suicide Attack 12.2.2000
110 21.10.1915 Bombardement of Thessaloniki 21.10.1915
85 21.10.1940 Red Sea, Convoy BN.7 21.10.1940
85 28.10.1940 Greco-Italian War 28.10.1940-23.4.1941
85 04.11.1940 Operation MB8: MW3, ME3, Angriff auf Tarent 4.-12.11.1940
85 11.11.1940 Battle of Tarent, Battle of the Strait of Otranto 11./12.11.1940
85 23.11.1940 Operation MB9: MW4, ME4, Collar, Kap Teulada 23.-26.11.1940
85 27.11.1940 Schlacht von Kap Teulada/Spartivento 27.11.1940
20 01.12.2005 JTFEX 06-2 HSwMs Gotland "sinking" by camera pic USS Ronald Reagan Dez.2005
60 04.12.1965 Gemini-Titan 7 (GT-7) - December 4-18, 1965
110 10.12.1915 Battle of Kirpen Island 10.12.1915
1 11.12.2024 Russian Navy in Tartus till Fall of Assad in Syria, Dec. 2024
60 15.12.1965 Gemini-Titan 6A (GT-6A) - December 15-16, 1965
85 16.12.1940 MW 5A, MW 5B, ME 5A, MG1 16.-22.12.1940
110 29.12.1915 1. Battle of Durazzo 28.-29.12.1915
Years relevant Date Name
85 03.01.1941 Battle of Bardia (Tobruk area) Coastal Bombardement 3.-5.1.1941
85 06.01.1941 Operation Excess, MW5½, ME5½, ME6 6.-12.1.1941
110 08.01.1916 Dreadnought Action Black Sea 8.1.1916
135 16.01.1891 Chilean Civil War 1891
85 17.01.1941 Battle of Koh Chang, 17.1.1941
35 17.01.1991 Operation Desert Storm, 17.1.-28.2.1991
55 31.01.1971 Apollo-Saturn 14 (AS-14) - January 31-February 9, 1971
110 06.02.1916 Action off Durazzo 6.2.1916
110 08.02.1916 Sinking of Amiral Charner 8.2.1916
85 09.02.1941 Operation Grog: Bombardement Genua 9.2.1941
105 12.02.1921 Georgien-Soviet War 12.2.-17.3.1921
85 25.02.1941 Operation Abstention, Invasion Castellorizo 25.-28.2.1941
25 01.03.2001 JTFEX 01-2 U24 "sinking" by camera pic USS Enterprise March 2001
110 29.02.1916 Sinking SMS Greif 29.2.1916
85 04.03.1941 Operation Claymore: Lofoten 4.3.1941
60 16.03.1966 Gemini-Titan 8 (GT-8) - March 16, 1966
85 19.03.1941 Operation MC9 / MW6 19.-23.3.1941
40 24.03.1986 Gulf of Sidra Action 24.3.1986
110 25.03.1916 British Raid Hoyer 25.3.1916
85 28.03.1941 Battle of Cape Matapan 28.3.1941
85 11.04.1941 Oksfjord fish oil factory raid, 11.4.41
40 15.04.1986 El Dorado Canyon: Tripolis, Benghazi 14.4.1986
85 16.04.1941 Battle of the Tarigo Convoy off Sfax 16.4.1941
65 17.04.1961 Bay of Pigs, 17.-20.4.1961
85 23.04.1941 Bombings on Greek Navy at Invasion of Greece April 1941
135 23.04.1891 Sinking of the Blanco Encalada in Caldera Bay, 23.4.1891
110 24.04.1916 Raid on Lowestoft and Great Yarmouth 24./25.4.1916
70 26.04.1956 Helicopter lands on submarine 26.4.1956
5 26.04.2021 Incidents Persian Gulf, 2021/22
75 01.05.1951 Korean War: Last Aircraft Torpedo Attack, Hwacheon Dam 1.5.1951
15 02.05.2011 Operation Neptune Spear, Killing of Osama Bin Laden, 2.5.2011
110 04.05.1916 Tondern Raid 4.5.1916
65 05.05.1961 Mercury-Redstone 3 (MR-3) - May 5, 1961
85 05.05.1941 Operation MD4 / MW7, Bengasi-Attack, Tiger 5.-10.5.1941
150 06.05.1876 Salonika Incident 6.5.1876
85 07.05.1941 Jan Mayen Raid 7.5.41
135 07.05.1891 Itata Incident, 7.5.-4.6.1891
85 14.05.1941 Battle for Crete 14.-31.5.1941
80 15.05.1946 Corfu Channel Incidents 1946
5 21.05.2021 UK Carrier Strike Group 21
85 24.05.1941 Operation Rheinübung (Bismarck) 18.5.-27.5.1941
85 27.05.1941 Sinking of the Bismarck 27.5.1941
110 31.05.1916 Battle of Jutland, 31.5.-1.6.1916
60 03.06.1966 Gemini-Titan 9A (GT-9A) - June 3-6, 1966
85 09.06.1941 British Invasion of Syria & Lebanon Juni 1941
5 23.06.2021 2021 Black Sea incident
85 26.06.1941 Raid on Constanza 26.6.1941
85 26.06.1941 Black Sea 1941-1945
85 27.06.1941 S-Boote gegen Storozhevoyi 27.6.1941
85 28.06.1941 Lauenburg Raid 28.6.41
110 30.06.1916 Russian Raid on German Sealanes 30.6.1916
115 01.07.1911 Agadir Crisis 1.-20.7.1911
85 01.07.1941 Gründung Greenland Patrols 1.7.1941
65 01.07.1961 Kuwait Crisis, Operation Vantage, 1.7.1961
145 05.07.1881 French conquest of Tunisia / Sfax 5.-16.7.1881
85 06.07.1941 Battle of Kolka 6.7.1941
20 14.07.2006 Attack on Hanit 14.7.2006
90 17.07.1936 Spanish Civil War 1936-1939
60 18.07.1966 Gemini-Titan 10 (GT-10) - July 18-21, 1966
65 21.07.1961 Mercury-Redstone 4 (MR-4) - July 21, 1961
85 21.07.1941 Operation Substance (WS9C, GM1, MG1) 21.-24.7.1941
110 23.07.1916 Some Actions Channel, North Sea 1916
55 26.07.1971 Apollo-Saturn 15 (AS-15) - July 26-August 7, 1971
85 26.07.1941 Battle of Bengtskar 26.7.1941
85 27.07.1941 Sinking of Smelyi 27.7.1941
85 31.07.1941 Bäreninsel Raid 31.7.41 (Wetterstation zerstört)
90 05.08.1936 Convoy de la Victoria 5.8.1936
45 19.08.1981 Gulf of Sidra Incident 19.8.1981
135 21.08.1891 Battle of Concon, 21.8.1891
85 24.08.1941 Operation Gauntlet: Spitzbergen 24.8.1941
85 25.08.1941 Anglo-Soviet invasion of Iran (Operation Countenance) 25.8.-17.9.1941
100 27.08.1926 Wanhsien Incident 27.8.1926
130 27.08.1896 Anglo-Zanzibar War 27.8.1896
30 03.09.1996 Operation Desert Strike 3.9.1996
60 12.09.1966 Gemini-Titan 11 (GT-11) - September 12-15, 1966
85 13.09.1941 Operation Beowulf, Moon, Ösel (Saaremaa), Dagö, 8.9.-21.10.1941
85 27.09.1941 Operation Halberd, WS11X/GM2, MG2, 27.9.1941
75 28.09.1951 Korean War: Naval Battle of the Han River 28.-30.9.1951
125 28.09.1901 Kuwait 28.9.1901
115 29.09.1911 Italo-Turkish War 1911/1912
90 29.09.1936 Battle of Cape Spartel 29.9.1936
5 03.10.2021 First Landing and Start of jap. Aircraft Carrier since 75 years, 3.10.2021
110 07.10.1916 Eleusina Confrontation, 7.10.1916
135 16.10.1891 Baltimore Crisis 16.10.1891
70 29.10.1956 Suez Crisis 29.10.-7.11.1956
85 09.11.1941 Battle of the Duisburg / BETA Convoy 9.11.1941
110 10.11.1916 Shelling of Balticport (Paldiski) 10./11.11.1916
60 11.11.1966 Gemini-Titan 12 (GT-12) - November 11-15, 1966
85 12.11.1941 Sinking HMS Ark Royal 12./13.11.1941
35 14.11.1991 Battle of Split 14.-16.11.1991
80 23.11.1946 The French Indochina naval operations (1946-55)
85 25.11.1941 Sinking HMS Barham 25.11.1941
55 04.12.1971 Operation Trident, Battle off Karatschi 4./5.12.1971
55 04.12.1971 Landings, Shelling Cox’s Bazaar and Chittagong, 4.12.1971
85 07.12.1941 Pearl Harbour, 7.12.1941
55 08.12.1971 Operation Python, Attack on Karatschi Port 8./9..12.1971
85 08.12.1941 Battle of Wake Island 8.12.-23.12.1941
55 09.12.1971 Sinking INS Khukri (F149), 9.12.1971
85 10.12.1941 Naval Battle of Malaya, 10.12.1941
90 12.12.1936 Sinking of C-3, 12.12.1936
85 13.12.1941 Cape Bon 13.12.1941
85 17.12.1941 1. Battle of the Sirte 17.12.1941
65 18.12.1961 Invasion/Liberation of Goa 17-19.12.1961, 18.12. Battle at Mormugão harbour
85 19.12.1941 Raid on Alexandria 19.12.1941
25 22.12.2001 Battle of Amami-Oshima 22.12.2001
85 26.12.1941 ME8 26-29.12.41
Years relevant Date Name
85 06.01.1942 MF2 6.1.1942
110 11.01.1917 Kastellorizo: Land artillery battery sinks seaplane carrier 11.1.1917
85 11.01.1942 Invasion Celebes 11.1.-27.3.1942
65 15.01.1962 Battle of Arafura Sea / Vlakke Hoek 15.1.1962
85 16.01.1942 MF3 (MW8A,B) 16.1.1942
110 22.01.1917 Some Actions Channel, North Sea 1917
85 23.01.1942 Balikpapan 23/24.1.1942
110 23.01.1917 Battle of Flanders Bight 23.1.1917
85 24.01.1942 MF4 24.1.42
85 27.01.1942 Endau (Malaya) 27.1.1942
95 28.01.1932 January 28 Incident, Shanghai War 1932
130 03.02.1897 Greco-Turkish War 18.4.-20.5.1897
85 09.02.1942 Dutch East Indies: Invasion on Sumatra, 6.2.-17.2.1942 (Operation L, Palembang)
85 12.02.1942 Operation Cerberus, the Channel Dash, 12.2.1942
85 12.02.1942 MF5 (MW9, ME10) 12-14.2.42
85 19.02.1942 Dutch East Indies: Badung Strait 19/20.2.1944
65 20.02.1962 Mercury-Atlas 6 (MA-6) - February 20, 1962
5 24.02.2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine, from 24.2.2022
85 25.02.1942 Dutch East Indies: Invasion on Java, 25.2.-9.3.1942
90 05.03.1937 Battle of Cape Machichaco
85 06.03.1942 6.-13.3.1942 Operation Sportpalast
110 16.03.1917 AMC SMS Leopard 16.3.1917
85 22.03.1942 2. Battle in the Sirte 22.3.1942
85 28.03.1942 St.Nazaire Raid, 28.3.1942
85 01.04.1942 Indian Ocean Raid 1-9.4.1942
45 02.04.1982 Falklands War/Guerra de las Malvinas, 2.4.-20.6.1982
10 07.04.2017 Syria Missile Strikes (Shayrat Air base) 7.4.2017
115 15.04.1912 Titanic 15.4.1912
55 16.04.1972 Apollo-Saturn 16 (AS-16) - April 16-27, 1972
85 18.04.1942 Doolittle Raid 18.4.1942
45 23.04.1982 Conch Republic, the shortest war in history 23.4.1982
150 24.04.1877 Russo-Turkish-War 1877-78
85 02.05.1942 Italian Navy in Black Sea from May 1942
85 03.05.1942 1942, 3. bis 8. Mai, Schlacht im Korallenmeer
85 05.05.1942 Battle of Madagascar / Operation Ironclad 5.5.-6.11.1942
110 12.05.1917 Bombardement Zeebrugge Gates 12.5.1917
110 14.05.1917 Battle of Otranto Strait 14./15.5.1917
65 24.05.1962 Mercury-Atlas 7 (MA-7) - May 24, 1962
110 24.05.1917 Naval Support Battle Isonzo 1917
90 29.05.1937 Deutschland Incident 29.5.1937
85 04.06.1942 Midway, Aleuten (Dutch Harbor, Attu, Kiska) Operations 4.-7.6.1942
110 04.06.1917 Bombardment Ostende 4.6.1917
85 12.06.1942 Operation Harpoon, Vigorous 12.-16.6.1942
85 21.06.1942 Bombardment of Fort Stevens 21.6.1942
85 02.07.1942 2.7.1942 PQ17 / Operation Rösselsprung
90 07.07.1937 Second Sino-Japanese War 7.7.1937-9.9.1945
110 11.07.1917 Japanese Detachment in Mediterranean, Battle 11.7.17
145 11.07.1882 Bombardement of Alexandria, 11.-13.7.1882
60 11.07.1967 Battle of Rumani Coast 11.7.1967
90 12.07.1937 Battle off Cape Culleras 12.7.1937
85 02.08.1942 Battle Feodosija 2/3.8.1942
85 03.08.1942 Operation Pedestal 3.-15.8.1942
85 07.08.1942 Guadalcanal Landings, Operation Watchtower, 7.8.1942
85 09.08.1942 Guadalcanal campaign: Savo Island 9.8.1942
85 10.08.1942 Battle of Haifa 10.8.1942
85 16.08.1942 Operation Wunderland Kara Sea 16.8.-5.10.1942
85 19.08.1942 Dieppe Raid, 19.8.1942
85 24.08.1942 Guadalcanal campaign: East Solomons 24.8.1942
35 26.08.1992 No-Fly-Zone War 1992-2003
125 02.09.1902 Markommania-Incident 2.9./5.9.1902
90 07.09.1937 Battle of Cape Cherchell 7.9.1937
85 08.09.1942 PQ18 2.-21.9.1942
85 09.09.1942 1st aircraft bombing on Oregon 9.9.1942
85 13.09.1942 Operation Agreement, Raid on Tobruk 13./14.9.1942
90 14.09.1937 Battle on the Pearl River 14.9.1937
90 22.09.1937 Attack on the Kiangyin Fortress 22.-25.9.1937
85 29.09.1942 2nd aircraft bombing on Oregon 29.9.1942
65 03.10.1962 Mercury-Atlas 8 (MA-8) - October 3, 1962
115 08.10.1912 1.Balkan War 1912/13
85 11.10.1942 Guadalcanal campaign: Cape Esperance 11.10.1942
110 12.10.1917 Operation Albion, Moon, Ösel, Dagö, 12.-20.10.1917
65 14.10.1962 Cuba Crisis, 14.-28.10.1962
110 17.10.1917 Action off Lerwick 17.10.1917
85 18.10.1942 War of Independence 1948
110 19.10.1917 British Bombardment Belgian Coast 19.10.1917
60 21.10.1967 Sinking of Eilath 21.10.1967
85 24.10.1942 Guadalcanal campaign: Henderson Field 23-26.10.1942
85 26.10.1942 Guadalcanal campaign: Santa Cruz 26.10.1942
110 30.10.1917 Actions off Gaza Autumn 1917
85 08.11.1942 Operation Torch, 8.-12.11.1942
85 08.11.1942 Battle of Someri Island 8.-11.7.1942
85 11.11.1942 Forza Navale Speciale, Landing on Corse 11-13.11.1942
85 12.11.1942 Guadalcanal campaign: Naval Battle of Guadalcanal 12-15.11.1942
85 16.11.1942 Operation Stoneage (MW13) 16-25.11.1942
110 17.11.1917 2nd Battle of Heligoland Bight 17.11.1917
85 18.11.1942 Sinking of Krasnoye Znamya 18.11.1942
85 27.11.1942 Toulon 27.11.1942
400 28.11.1627 Battle of Oliwa / Gdańsk Roadstead 28.11.1627
85 30.11.1942 Guadalcanal campaign: Tassafaronga 30.11.1942
85 01.12.1942 Operation Portcullis (MW 14) 1-5.12.42
85 02.12.1942 Battle of Skerki Bank, 2.12.1942
85 06.12.1942 Operation Quadrangle (Konvois MW 15 - MW 18) 6-31.12.42
55 07.12.1972 Apollo-Saturn 17 (AS-17) - December 7-19, 1972
125 09.12.1902 Venezuelan crisis, 9.12.1902-19.2.1903
110 11.12.1917 Norway Convoy Action 11./12.12.1917
85 12.12.1942 Operation Frankton 12.12.1942
120 16.12.1907 The Great White Fleet World Tour 16.12.1907-22.2.1909
85 31.12.1942 Battle of the Barents Sea, JW51B 31.12.1942
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Turkish Naval Operations see
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