T-40 Amphibious Tank |
DBTyp | Modell | |
Basistyp | T-40 | |
Kithersteller | SHQ | |
Material | Metall | |
Herstellerland | SU | Übergeordnete Kategorie: Asien, Europa |
Betreiberland | SU Für die Klasse: Deutsch | Übergeordnete Kategorie: Asien, Europa |
Gebaut | 1.12.2018 | |
Themen | Amphibie Panzer | (Bodengerät:) Fahrzeuge Übergeordnete Kategorie: Fahrzeug, Bodengerät, PzFzg |
Betriebsaera | Wk2 | |
Scale | 1/76 | |
TextDE | The T-40 light amphibious scout tank was a Soviet amphibious reconnaissance vehicle of WWII, which was designed to replace the ageing T-37 and T-38 amphibious scout tanks. The T-40's suspension was torrison bar - an improvement on the coil sprung T-38 with an entirely welded hull. Armour was limited and the T-40 was armed with a 12.7mm DShK heavy machine gun. Not many T-40 were made as the Soviets favoured simpler designs but the T-40 was used as a non amphibious version designated the T-60. Given that the T-60 could fulfil most of the scouting requirements of the T-40, only 222 T-40 were issued compared with over 6,000 T-60. Later T-40 had the turret replaced with a BM-8-24 Katyusha rocket launcher rack with a 24 rail mount of unguided 82mm rockets. (366) | |
BaseVehicle | Bodengerät |
T-40 Amphibious Tank |
T-40 Amphibious Tank |
T-40 Amphibious Tank, T-37 Amphibious Tank |
Box Art T-40 Amphibious Tank |
lime: | Hervorragende Quelle, kaum Fehler |
green: | Sehr gute Quelle, kaum Fehler |
schwarz oder blau: | Qualität der Quelle noch nicht angegeben |
orange: | Gute Quelle, einige Fehler |
red: | Quelle enthält mglw. einige korrekte Angaben, ist in jedem Fall einzeln zu prüfen |